  • 學位論文


A Study of Returning to the Original Country for Vietnamese International Students

指導教授 : 歐陽惠華


在當前的多元發展的國際市場,不單著重經濟發展,也重視教育和文化發展,因此,越南學生有更多的選擇。出國留學是目前青年們意願極高的選擇,因此影響學生的價值觀與視野。然而為什麼這麼多人選擇出國留學呢?如今,求知求學的管道很多,但是大多數人都想透過接受外國高級教育,學習高深的學問、技術與較高的語言水平,以訓練自己、在一定的知識水準上,跳脫框架、提升自身的能力。本研究是基於推–拉-繫住力理論(Push-Pull-Mooring Theory) ,找到並提出解決方案,來解決越南留學生畢業後決定去留的問題。本研究的對象包括已經在台灣完成學業,或正在台灣求學的越南留學生,半結構的開放性問卷廣為在台灣各大專院校越南學生群組分發,受訪者分屬不同學校和不同年齡以及其他在台專業人士,初步匯整後再經過個別訪談,以確認受訪者看法後,歸納出本研究結果。通過進行的調查,影響出國留學的越南學生有5個主要因素,分別是:情感,職業意識 , 社會支持,環境和生活條件,人民和文化。 研究發現,人文因素影響著學生的大部分決定,其次是環境和生活條件,社會支持,情感因素,最後是職業意識因素。這表明,儘管職業對每個人的未來都很重要,但仍有許多其他重要因素影響他們的生活。推力方面,環境和生活條件會影響越南留學生畢業後的決定。大多數留學生都認為生活費用沒有影響到他們的決定,但對他們來說,影響來自該國的交通建設環境。拉力方面,人民和文化留學生們都覺得台灣和越南的文化和生活方式有些相似,所以不影響他們的決定。 友好來說,在選擇台灣和越南的工作環境 時,大多數留學生都想留在台灣工作,因為在台灣可以在專業的環境中工作,薪水也比較合理。對於學生畢業後對職業意識,他們都認為在工作中獲得的薪水很重要。 這幾年來越南的基本薪水也在增加,這個問題也讓留學生開始考慮回國工作。對於情感,留學生畢業後想的回國和工作,可以一邊照顧家人一邊工作。繫住力方面,社會支持留學生畢業後最大的問題是職位和行政程序的公開性和便利性。 他們都想為自己找到一份完美的工作合適的薪水。 可以看出,現在越南經濟逐漸發達後,薪水也跟著增加,行政程序也有所縮短,方便大家。   所以生活條件,職業意識跟社會支持有助於提升返國意願。而人民和文化則降低返國意願。綜合三種力來講,大多數越南留學生畢業後都選擇回國工作和生活。主要是近年越南的成長非常快速,環境改善相當大,推力降低,繫注力提高,因此,留學生畢業後回國的決定增加,將有助於改善越南的人才流失。


In the current diversified international market, emphasis is not only on economic development, but also on education and cultural development. Therefore, Vietnamese students have more choices. Studying abroad is currently a highly motivated choice ofyoung people, which affects students' values ​​and vision early. So why do so many peoplechoose to study abroad? Nowadays, there are many channels for seeking knowledge andstudying, but most people want to learn advanced knowledge, technology and higherlanguage skills through receiving advanced foreign education. Train yourself to breakaway from the framework and improve your abilities at a certain level of knowledge. This research is based on Push-Pull-Mooring Theory (Push-Pull-Mooring Theory) to find and propose solutions to solve the problem of Vietnamese students who decide to stay after graduation. The objects of this research include those who have completed theirstudies in Taiwan, or For Vietnamese students studying in Taiwan, the questionnaires arewidely distributed in the Vietnamese student affairs group of Taiwan's universities andcolleges. The data are consolidated and the final results are statistically summarized.Recipients come from different schools and different ages, as well as other professionals in Taiwan. So after studying abroad, after completing your studies, should you return to yourcountry for development or stay abroad, or even go to other countries for further studies?What is the impact on Vietnam's human resources? For today's young people, this is a big problem that is difficult to choose. For this important subject in life, provide analysis and discussion, and solutions to reduce the brain drain in Vietnam, attracting Vietnamese students to return to China after graduation to contribute their expertise. This article will help us draw conclusions from research and analysis, and help international students in the process of studying and applying for a job more smoothly. In terms of Push Theory, the environment and living conditions affect the decision of Vietnamese students after graduation. Most students think that the cost of living does not affect their decision, but for them, it affects the mode of transportation from the country. In terms of Pull Theory, for the people and culture, they feel that the culture and lifestyle of Taiwan and Vietnam are somewhat similar, so it does not affect their decision. To be friendly, when choosing a working environment in Taiwan and Vietnam, most international students want to stay and work in Taiwan because they can work in a professional environment and the salary is relatively reasonable. For students' professional awareness after graduation, they all think that the salary they get at work is very important. In recent years, the basic salary in Vietnam has also increased, and this problem has also caused international students to consider returning to work in China. Regarding emotions, international students who want to return to China and work after graduation can work while taking care of their families. In terms of Mooring Theory , the biggest problem of social support for international students after graduation is the openness and convenience of positions and administrative procedures. They all want to find themselves a suitable salary for a perfect job. It can be seen that with the gradual development of Vietnam's economy, salaries have also increased and administrative procedures have been shortened, which is convenient for everyone. Therefore, comprehensive knowledge of living conditions, professional awareness, and social support can help to increase anti-national willingness. The people and culture reduce the willingness to oppose the country.


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