  • 學位論文


Precision Positioning Control of a Long-Range Piezoelectric Actuated Stage by Fuzzy Law

指導教授 : 牟善琦


在本研究中,主要是針對自行建構的長行程壓電致動平台,及設計模糊控制器,來進行平台的步進量測與精密定位控制。論文中是使用本研究室所發展的4-9-9-14壓電致動器來作為該平台之驅動元件,配合使用圖形監控軟體LabVIEW及資料擷取卡NI PCI-6115以得到光學尺之正確位置訊號;由於壓電致動器具有非線性之特性,故輔以模糊控制器之設計來達到平台定位之目的。 在傳統中,藉由壓電致動器進行平台定位之控制時,通常是改變驅動電壓的大小來達成精密定位之目標。但在本論文中,將提出不同之控制概念-針對單位時間內之實際驅動電壓時間(亦即實際脈波驅動時間)進行參數調控,進而改變平台移動之步幅大小,以達到精密定位之效果。 本論文將先針對平台進行無載/有載及左右固定距離之單點定位,進而得知4-9-9-14壓電致動器之步進能力;從而進行平台之連續追蹤定位。由定位實驗結果可以得知:平台之定位精確度最高可達0.4 μm,平均亦在1 μm以下;此外,藉由模糊法則來設計實際驅動電壓時間之控制概念,確實可讓壓電致動平台達到1 μm以下之精密定位。


In this thesis, the fuzzy controller is positioning the long-range piezoelectric actuated stage that is established by us and measuring the stage. The 4-9-9-14 piezoelectric actuator developed by our lab can combine the figure monitor software LabVIEW and the data-mining card NI PCI-6115 to obtain the precision position signal of the linear scale. The fuzzy controller is designed to reach the goal of positioning stage because of the non-linear condition of the piezoelectric actuator. In traditional, the method to position the piezoelectric actuator is changing the degree of voltage, but in this thesis, the different control concept will be offered. The real propellent voltage time of the unit time can be changed to control the displacement of the stage; furthermore, the precision of the position stage in this thesis is nanometer level First, the stage is positioned with a load condition and a no load condition, furthermore, the left and right distance should be immovable, by this experience, the step ability of the 4-9-9-14 piezoelectric actuator can be known. Second, the continuing chasing position of the stage can be tested after the first experience. The result shows that the most precise positioning degree of the stage can be 0.4 μm, and the average degree is under the 1 μm. In conclusion, the concept of controlling real propellent voltage time by fuzzy law can position the stage to a precise degree.


1. 王文俊,認識Fuzzy,全華科技圖書股份有限公司,台北市,民國八十八年。
2. 牟善琦、歐陽敏盛,「軸推式壓電致動器之設計、模擬、建模與分析」,國立清華大學,博士論文,民國九十三年。
3. 朱慶國,「雙軸超音波定位平台之研製」,國立清華大學,碩士論文,民國九十三年。
4. 李政漢、歐陽敏盛,「側推式超音波馬達性能量測與應用設計」,國立清華大學,碩士論文,民國九十年。
5. 林志和,「超音波平台之控制系統設計與測試」,國立清華大學,碩士論文,民國九十一年。
