  • 學位論文

ISO 13053與ISO 9001:2015管理系統整合之研究

An Integration Study of ISO 13053 and ISO 9001:2015 Management Systems

指導教授 : 李國樑


六標準差是一種實用的品質改善系統,但有不少企業在導入的過程中,因為沒有具有公信力的規範可以遵循,導致效果大打折扣。這樣的困擾在2011年出現了解決方式,國際標準化組織(ISO)推出了以六標準差為架構的標準ISO 13053,幫助業者在導入六標準差的過程中,不再對建立系統有模糊不清的觀念,且更能了解其運作及帶來的效益。提及與品質系統相關的標準非ISO 9001莫屬,ISO 9001是全球最受歡迎的品質管理標準,在2015年正式改版。本研究希望藉由這波ISO 9001換證時期,能讓企業將ISO 13053與ISO 9001作整合導入,不但加強管理制度上的效果,提高企業之品質,還能因為通過兩種標準的驗證提升企業之形象,增加供應商與顧客的信心,並強化自身的競爭力。 本研究分別探討了ISO 13053與ISO 9001標準之相關文獻,了解其運作邏輯後,運用歸納法與矩陣圖法評估兩種標準之間的相關性,並整合ISO 13053與ISO 9001之系統,讓未來欲同時導入ISO 13053與ISO 9001之企業在執行上能更明確的運行,減少不必要的浪費與衝突。


六標準差 ISO 13053 ISO 9001


Many companies have implemented Six Sigma program, but they might not meet the common standard because lacking of a worldwide Six Sigma requirement to follow before 2011. In 2011, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released ISO 13053, it describes a methodology for the business improvement methodology known as Six Sigma. This guideline helps the industry in the process of implementing Six Sigma with a clear concept of establishing the system, and a better understanding of its operation and benefits. Speaking of quality management system, ISO 9001 is the world's most popular quality management system standard and it’s the newest revision has released in 2015. Companies implementing these two quality systems require much paperwork if without integration. In this research, we tried to integrate ISO 9001 and ISO 13053 by analyzing the differences between these two systems. The result of this research will provide more information to help companies to increase the confidence of suppliers and customers, and strengthen their competitiveness.


Six Sigma ISO 13053 ISO 9001


(1)王大中,「以ISO 9001:2000為基之生產流程監控機制建立」,逢甲大學,碩士論文,民國九十六年。
(2)王正華、蔡雯雅,「分析ISO 9001:2008品質標準發展台灣塑膠製品產業之品質策略」,長榮大學學報,17卷1期,1~17頁,民國一○二年六月一日。
(3)王馨珮,「學校教育組織導入ISO 9000推行知識管理之模式雛型研究」,靜宜大學,碩士論文,民國九十五年八月。
