  • 學位論文

增進ISO 9001品質管理系統創新能力之研究

A Study to Improve Innovation Capability of ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS)

指導教授 : 蘇俊憲


在當前劇烈競爭的環境下,品質與創新被視為企業生存與競爭優勢的來源。回顧許多有關品質管理(含全面品質管理與ISO 9001品質管理系統)與創新探討兩者之間關係的文獻後,本研究發現這些研究結果十分不同,甚至是對立的。一部分的學者認為,品質管理與創新具有正向關係;另一部分的學者認為品質管理會阻礙創新的發展。因此,本研究以ISO 9001品質管理系統為架構並結合創新,欲發展一套可兼顧品質管理與創新的新架構。


In the competitive environment, quality and innovation capability both are viewed as firms’ competitive advantages. After reviewing literature pertaining to ISO 9001 quality management system (QMS) or total quality management (TQM) and innovation, This study found that the findings of the relationship between these issues are different and even opposite. Therefore, this study is going to build a framework which incorporates ISO 9001 QMS and innovation. This study collects and analyzes data by literature review. The new framework is developed which can increase organizational innovation capability under the existing ISO 9001 QMS. Firms adopt this new framework can ensure their quality and can be more innovative or achieve innovation at the same time.


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