  • 學位論文


Analysis on the Pre-service Training and Practice of Taiwan Tour Guides — Mandarin Chinese Tour Guide as An Example

指導教授 : 吳克
共同指導教授 : 樓禎祺(Chen-Chi Lou)


中華民國在2008年與大陸簽署「大陸居民赴臺旅遊協議」,開放大陸地區人民得直接來臺觀光旅遊,迄今已歷八年,統計至2015年止來臺人數共計有1576萬2203人。且為了因應大陸人士來台觀光,所以由2008年的4951位華語導遊到迄今擁有59768位導遊的局面。然中華民國交通部觀光局委託代訓單位著手訓練相關華語導遊,實施為期二週共98小時的專業職前訓練,教授導遊相關基本知識。在課程結束口試合格後,獲得證照即可執業。但執業後發現除需景點介紹外,尚需有其他不同的常識與技能,方能順利完成帶團任務,所以在職前訓練所學與開始執業後產生相關落差,突顯了訓練不足的問題。  本研究採取質性研究法,訪問目前尚在業界接待陸客團的旅行社主管與尚在線上執行導遊業務的資深導遊共十位,了解導遊在經過觀光局職前訓練課程與執業需求之職能落差,並提出解決方案供相關單位參考。  本研究發現導遊人員除應於職前訓練接受基本之台灣景點介紹、風土民情課程訓練外,還需要其他相關技能: 一、除在室內教學,可以增加戶外訓練課程,以模擬實做為主。受訓學員也可以讀書會方式相互切磋。 二、邀請在業界及線上導遊授課,使得學員累積實務經驗。 三、導購既不可避免,適度增加導購技巧的訓練課程,創造四贏(客人滿意、導遊賺錢、公司獲利、提高國家觀光產值)局面。 四、導遊是服務人的行業,只要與人接觸,就會有問題產生,所以增加導遊本身的情緒商數,學習處理各種突發意外事件,讓整個行程順利完成。 五、導遊應以健全的心態,建立培養專業的能力、找對資深的前輩師父帶領、隨時學習與精進,以提供完善的服務,提升來台遊客的滿意度。


導遊 職前訓練 導購 職能 服務行銷


In 2008, the Republic of China signed the Travel Agreement for Mainland Residents Traveling to Taiwan with China, opening tourism to the people of Mainland China to travel directly to Taiwan. As of now, eight years have passed and there has been a recorded total number of 15,762,203 people having visited Taiwan as at the end of 2015. As a response to Mainland tourists traveling to Taiwan, the number of Mandarin-speaking tour guides has increased from 4,951 since 2008 to 59,768 as of now. The training department engaged by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the ROC has carried out relevant training courses for mandarin-speaking tour guides, which offers two weeks of professional pre-employment training for a total of 98 hours to teach basic knowledge relating to tour guiding. After receiving certification upon qualifying an oral examination at the end of the course, professional practice may then be conducted. However, it has been found after actual practice that other than introducing travel destinations, other various knowledge and skills are also required to successfully lead a tour group. Therefore, the problem in the lack of training is evident as a result of such competency gap between pre-employment training and beginning actual practice. This study adopts a qualitative approach to interview a total of ten subjects, including the heads of travel agencies in the industry still receiving Chinese tour groups as well as experienced tour guides engaged in the business online. This study attempts to understand the competency gap between pre-employment training offered by the Tourism Bureau and practical demands for tour guides, and solutions are also proposed as reference for relevant units. This study has found that tour guides require other relevant skills in addition to receiving pre-employment training courses on the basic introduction to travel destinations and the culture and customs in Taiwan: 1.Including outdoor training courses in addition to indoor lectures mainly to simulate actual practice. Trainees can also conduct study groups to interact and learn from each other. 2.Inviting practicing tour guides or tour guides engaged in the business online to give lectures, allowing for the students to gain practical experience. 3.Sales involved in tour guiding is inevitable, appropriate inclusion of training courses to sales in tour guiding may create four-win situations (customer satisfaction, tour guide earning, company profit, increase in national tourism output value). 4.Tour guiding is a business of providing service to people, problems will arise as long as there is human interaction, therefore, improving the tour guides’ EQ and for them to learn to deal with different unexpected events will facilitate completing the whole itinerary successfully. 5.In order to provide comprehensive services to tourists visiting Taiwan and improving tourist satisfaction levels, tour guides should build and cultivate professional skills with a healthy attitude, seek the right experienced mentor to act as guidance, as well as learning and progressing at all times.


(1)Ranjit Kumar著,胡騰龍、黃瑋瑩、潘中道譯,(民89)。研究方法:步驟化學習指南。學富文化,台北市。
