  • 學位論文


A Study on Unequal Pay for Equal Work Between Teachers and Babysitting Professionals at Affiliated Kindergarten in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 沈群英


本研究以新北市某國小附設幼兒園為研究個案,探討幼托整合後,經過歷年相關法規的修改,教師與教保員的薪酬制度、教師與教保員的工作職掌區分、幼兒園的教學與保育品質對幼兒園的運作與管理上有哪些影響;本研究採用文獻探討與半結構式深度訪談,並將訪談內容依據編碼表進行編碼與分析,綜合歸納結論如下: 1.教師與教保員的薪酬制度不同,對教保員來說較難有正向的激勵作用。 2.教師與教保員兩者的工作職掌區分不清,對園所較難有歸屬感。 3.幼托整合與歷年相關法規修訂對提升幼兒園的教學與保育品質效果有限。 本研究依據結論分別對教育主管、行政機關、相關單位以及未來研究者提出相關建議如下: 1.比照教師,修改教保員遷調辦法及考核制度。 2.明確劃分教師、教保員工作職掌。 3.辦理幼教相關研習活動,提供教保服務人員在職進修,促使幼兒園教學與 托育品質得以提升。 本研究的實證調查結果與建議,希望有助於發現國小附設幼兒園的問題與衝擊,能讓幼教品質更為提升,並提供後續研究者參考。


幼托整合 教保員 薪酬制度


The main purpose of this study is to explore the influencing on compensation system of kindergarten teachers and babysitting professionals, job distribution and assignments between teachers and babysitting professionals, quality of teaching and management in school after several regulations had launched over the years. The research was done through qualitative approach and took an elementary school affiliated kindergarten in New Taipei City as study case. The conclusions were made according to the results of investigation: 1.Difference in the compensation regulations between teachers and babysitting professionals makes it difficult to have excitation in their job for babysitting professionals. 2.Job distribution and assignments are unclear between teachers and babysitting professional makes them hard to find the sense of belonging. 3. The regulations launched over the years cannot help to raise the quality of teaching and nursing in kindergarten school. Based on the finding, this study gives suggestions to kindergarten leaders, educational authorities and administration respectively: 1. Modify personal transfer regulation on babysitting professional according to formal teacher. 2. Distinguish the job assignments of teachers and babysitting professionals clearly. 3. Provide teachers and babysitting professionals more educational relative workshops to increase the quality of teaching and nursing. The study can have benefit on exploring the problems in elementary affiliated kindergarten and can be taken as reference to the future researcher.


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