  • 學位論文


A Study on The Effect of Stress Coping, Salary Compensation Welfare and Job Satisfaction on Retaining Intention – A Case Study Based on An Army Corps

指導教授 : 陳皆成
共同指導教授 : 李慶忠(Ching-Chung Li)


經過國防政策的改革與演進,部隊人力不斷精簡,而業務卻不曾稍減的情形下,高度壓力的工作環境是部隊的特性,因此軍職人員需要具備基本的抗壓能力。部隊人力的來源,不只是來自社會青年的招募,或來自軍事訓練役人員轉服志願役,更為重要的是現役人員的留用。一位軍職人員經過長時間的培訓,如果因為不喜歡或無法接受部隊現行的環境及作法而流失,這對於各級部隊所耗費的人事及訓練成本甚鉅。因應全志願役與募兵制的來臨,國軍在改善官兵生活,提高薪資福利及待遇上,更是不遺餘力。 本研究依據文獻探討的結果為基礎設計問卷,以探索國軍人員的留營意願是否會受到「壓力因應能力」、「薪資福利」及「工作滿意度」等因素的影響?並且探討不同背景的受訪者對於壓力因應能力、薪資福利、工作滿意度及留營意願,是否存在顯著差異?本研究總共蒐集到140份有效問卷,透過SPSS統計工具,進行皮爾森相關分析、迴歸分析及ANOVA差異分析。 研究結果顯示:(1)「壓力因應能力」、「薪資福利」、「工作滿意度」與「留營意願」四者之間具有顯著的相關性。(2)「壓力因應能力」與「薪資福利」會顯著的正向影響「工作滿意度」。(3)「薪資福利」與「工作滿意度」會顯著的正向影響「留營意願」。(4)不同背景的受訪者,對於「壓力因應能力」、「薪資福利」、「工作滿意度」與「留營意願」有部份達到顯著差異。此研究成果,將可以提供國防部決策單位於推行軍職人員招募及改善內部管理制度時,做為強化與改進之參考。


After the reform and evolution of national defense policy, the military's manpower has been continuously streamlined, but the military's regular operation has not been slightly reduced. High-stress work environments are characteristic of the military, so military personnel need a basic ability to withstand stress. The manpower of the military is not only from the recruitment of young people in the society, or from the transfer of military training personnel, but more importantly is to retain active military personnel. Military officers and soldiers need long-term training. If they leave because they don't like or can't accept the current environment and practices of the military, this will cost huge personnel costs and training expenses for the military at all levels. In response to the new recruitment system, the military has made many efforts to improve the salary compensation welfare of officers and soldiers. This study designed a questionnaire based on the results of the literature survey. In order to explore whether the military personnel's retaining intention would be affected by factors such as "stress coping", "salary compensation welfare" and "job satisfaction"? And explore whether participants of different backgrounds would have significant differences in their "stress coping", "salary compensation welfare", "job satisfaction" and "retaining intention". A total of 140 participants were surveyed and data were collected in this study. Through SPSS statistical tools, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, regression analysis, and ANOVA analysis were performed. The results reveal the facts that: (1) There is a significant correlation among the “stress coping”, “salary compensation walfare”, “job satisfaction” and “retaining intention”. (2) “Stress coping” and “salary compensation walfare” can significantly affect “job satisfaction”. (3) “Salary compensation walfare” and “job satisfaction” can significantly affect “retaining intention”. (4) Participants of different backgrounds have some significant differences in their “stress coping”, “salary compensation walfare” “job satisfaction” and “retaining intention” The results of this study will provide the military as an important reference when recruiting personnel and improving internal management systems.


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