  • 學位論文


Research on the Implementation of Residential Fire Alarm Detectors

指導教授 : 林建偉


消防署近年來積極推廣住宅用火災警報器,為了更有效宣導,本研究調查民眾對於住宅用火災警報器之認知及不同背景(年齡及性別)對於住警器之認同程度,以期望裨益宣導之效能。本次研究對象為未裝設火警自動警報設備之集合住宅、華廈、透天厝或五樓以下之公寓,總共發放372份問卷,其中有效問卷為324份。 根據問卷調查顯示,有12.9%之民眾不知到住宅用火災警報器之功能;87.1%之民眾知道住宅用火災警報器之功能,其中之九成之民眾認為住宅用火災警報器是家庭必備的產品,但僅有約六成民眾(知道住警器之功能)可以接受住宅用火災警報器之產品價格。 研究結果性別及年齡曾對住宅用火災警報器之功能性及需求性之認知有不同之處。在性別方面,男性普遍較女性認為住宅用火災警報器容易維護及保養;在年齡方面則是30歲以上群體普遍較未滿30歲群體認為住宅用火災警報器容易維護及保養。


In recent years, the Fire Department has actively promoted residential fire alarm detectors. In order to more effectively promote the public, this study investigates the public's perception of residential fire alarms and whether the different backgrounds (age and gender)'s significantly influence the perception of fire alarm detectors. The study collected the data from who live in residential buildings, or apartments below the fifth floor without fire alarm equipment. A total of 372 questionnaires were issued; within the returned questionnaire result and 324 were valid. According to the results, 12.9% of the respondents did not know the functions of the residential fire alarm; 87.% of the respondents did know the functions of the residential fire alarm, while 90% of the them thought that residential fire alarms are must-have products for the family, but only about 60% of the them can accept the price of a residential fire alarm. Additionally, gender and age have significantly influenced on the perceptions of the functionality and demand for residential fire detectors. In terms of gender, men generally believe that residential fire alarms are easier to maintain than women; in terms of age, groups above 30 years old generally believe that residential fire alarms are easier to maintain than those under 30 years old.


1. 107年消防白皮書(2018),內政部消防署,p16-20,p49-50。
2. 內政部消防署 (2016),火災案件搶救出勤紀錄表填寫作業原則,消署救字第1050600072號。
3. 內政部消防署。防災知識-認識火災。內政部消防署全球資訊網。取自:http://www.nfa.gov.tw/main/Unit.aspx?ID&MenuID=378&ListID=129
4. 台南市住警器成功案例(民108年02月23日),內政部消防署全球資訊網,取自:
