  • 學位論文


Implementation of Fire Detection System based on Embedded System

指導教授 : 林大為


物聯網的概念在1999年其實就已經被提出,隨著科技的發展各類感測裝置與晶片功能日趨強化,讓此概念得以開始實現。在市面上早已出現以單一功能為主的商品,如火焰偵測、煙霧偵測等Sensor,此類Sensor只能針對單一災害進行反應,而且個體之間無法互相溝通,時而讓使用者無法準確的判斷現場資訊,導致失去了黃金救援時間。 本研究主要基於嵌入式系統輕薄短小的特性以及運算處理的效能,設計一個火災偵測系統,各式嵌入式裝置與Sensor透過網路互相溝通傳遞資料,同時運用不同類型的Sensor互相搭配增強判斷準確度,可減少火災誤判的情況發生。通過應用通訊軟體的普遍性與即時性,在火災發生當下可立即的發出警報,並且透過網路即時回傳現場狀態,即便使用者不在家中仍能夠掌握住家狀況,避免發生財產損失與人員傷亡。


The Internet of Things concept was proposed in 1999. With technical development strengthens day by day. All kinds of Sensor and the chip function, lets this concept be able to start to realize. The product of single-function has already appeared on the market , for instance flame detection and gas detection sensor and so on , This kind of Sensor only can aim at the sole disaster to carry on the response , and can't communicate with each other. Let the user be unable the accurate judgment scene information, caused to lose the gold rescue time. This research mainly designs a system of fire based on the embedded lightweight , short features and powerful communication as well as the communication and the computation formidable function to detect. All types of the embedded system and sensor through the network to communicate the transmission data All types of the embedded system and sensor through the network to communicate the transmission data. Utilizes different Sensor to use mutually in the same time may strengthen the judgment accuracy to be possible to reduce the fire of the situation occurrence. Through the application communication software universality and instantaneity , The fire may immediately send out the warning. And through the network immediate feedback the scene condition , even if the user was not at home still can grasp the house condition , avoided having the property damage and the personnel casualty.


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