  • 學位論文


Analysis and Exploration of Interior Design Agreement

指導教授 : 吳昭慧
共同指導教授 : 宋國城


隨著人們對生活品質的要求提高,其對住宅或商業空間之室內裝修需求亦相對提升,但伴隨而來的室內裝修糾紛案件卻也因此層出不窮。為避免裝修糾紛之發生,內政部營建署於民國101年6月公告「建築物室內裝修-設計委託契約書範本」及「建築物室內裝修-工程承攬契約書範本」供業界參考,但其成效尚有待觀察。 因此本研究首先採文獻蒐集與歸納法,針對常見之室內裝修契約糾紛進行歸納整理,並將現行相關法令規章與糾紛歸納統計結果進行分析探討。再者,分別針對目前業界使用的室內裝修設計契約及室內裝修工程承攬契約進行蒐集,並於個別的兩類契約中,分別選取三份契約,進行該類契約間的契約條文分析比較,以了解契約內容的詳細度及討論契約條文內容是否能解決糾紛,最後針對契約內容進行分析並提出相關之建議。 依據比較分析結果得知,「建築物室內裝修-設計委託契約書範本」尚有15項未規範之事項,而「建築物室內裝修-工程承攬契約書範本」則尚有11項未規範之事項。唯內政部範本所未規範之事項及已規範但未詳盡之事項,興許是內政部在制訂契約條款時亦曾考慮,但又礙於執行面難以落實而未將其列入契約條款中。本研究希將契約範例之比較結果,提供有關單位及室內裝修同業作為參考依據,期能減少或降低糾紛發生之機率。


With the demand to improve the quality of life, the requirements for residential and commercial space interior designs are accordingly increased. However, disputes over interior designs have also been increasing. In order to avoid interior design disputes, the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior published “Interior Design of Building - Sample Design Commission Agreement” and “Interior Design of Building-Sample Construction Project Agreement” in June, 2012 for the decoration industry to refer to. However, the effect still needs to be observed. The methods of literature review and induction are utilized in this study. Usual disputes involved in interior design agreements are reviewed and induced, and the current related legal regulations and the result of the induction of the disputes are analyzed and explored. Furthermore, the samples of interior design agreements and interior construction agreements used in the industry are collected. Three agreements are selected from these two types of agreements respectively. The terms and conditions in the same type of agreement are analyzed and compared to find out if the level of detail and if the contents of the agreement can solve the disputes. Finally, the contents of the agreements are analyzed and related suggestions are put forward. According to the results of analysis and comparison, there are 15 items which has not been regulated in the “Interior Design of Building- Sample Design Commission Agreement”, and 11 items not regulated in the “Interior Design of Building- Sample Construction Project Agreement”. For the unregulated items by the Ministry of Interior or regulated items with insufficient details, perhaps it is because that the Ministry of Interior had considered them when determine the terms and conditions of the sample agreements, but they didn’t list them in the agreements due to the difficulties of implementation. It is expected that the results of this study can be used as a reference for the related competent authorities and interior design and construction companies to reduce disputes in the future.


