  • 學位論文


A Case Analysis of Fraud on "Weight lost" Advertisements

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


本研究使用案例分析法,探討減肥購物詐欺。共選取22個判決書作為案例,欲透過分析各級法院實際裁定之判決書,了解減肥購物業者的推銷手法為何、如何辯稱違法、以及各級法院之判決理由。 研究結果發現,相較於請藝人或專家代言所需之代言費,業者更常以強調專業名詞,玩弄文字遊戲、強調各國專利,濫用政府字號、或是以「第一、快速、有效」為訴求等完全不需龐大廣告成本費用之宣傳手法為最多;而一旦廣告被查獲為不實,又以並未於廣告中提及或直接販賣相關減肥產品、辯稱不知產品為禁藥或含有非法成份、或廣告用語中原本就並未予以掛保證等理由推託。而在法院判決理由上之灰色地帶,可發現行政院衛生署食品廣告標示詞句涉及虛偽、誇張或醫藥效能之認定表判斷標準不夠詳盡或不一致,使得各法院判決不一,可能會導致更多業者鑽法律漏洞;再者,有關不成文詐欺構成要件判定是否構成刑法詐欺罪時,法官採取不同學說為判決依據,亦可能會導致不同判決結果。 因此,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對不實廣告之管制應採事前嚴密把關兼事後嚴格追懲。 二、「食品廣告標示詞句涉及虛偽、誇張或醫藥效能之認定表」有效性需商討。 三、以「業者不得刊登不實廣告」做為判決軸心。


減肥購物 詐欺 不實廣告


This research uses case analysis to discuss fraud on “weight lost” advertisements. The study selected twenty-two court verdicts as the samples. By analyzing court verdicts, the research want to explore the dealers how to promote the products, how to avoid illegality, and the reasons of court verdicts. The findings reveal that the dealers often emphasize professional noun, beautiful adjective, national patent, government assurance, and “first-fast-effective” outcome of the products. Instead of investing cost by inviting celebrities to endorse, these avenues don’t need to expend so much advertisement cost. If the advertisements are ferreted by the government offices, the dealers will declare that they don’t mention or sell “weight lost” products directly, they don’t know the products are illicit drug or have illegal ingredients, or they don’t guarantee absolutely to the customers about the products’ effect. About the equivocal section of court verdicts, the standards of food advertisement’s words and phrases, involve false, the exaggeration or the medicine potency are not consistent or precise, and it makes the reasons of each courts different. For that reason, many dealers exploit legal loopholes. Furthermore, each judge that adopts different merits will result in unequal outcomes. According to the findings, this research has the following suggestions: 1.The authority should prevent in advance and punish strictly after detecting the illegality. 2.The table’s validity of food advertisement’s words and phrases, involve false, the exaggeration or the medicine potency should be canvassed carefully. 3.“The dealers should not publish false advertising” is the core of the adjudication.


weight-lost shopping fraud false advertising


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