  • 學位論文


A Study on Investigation Strategy Changes about Gangs and Organized Crime

指導教授 : 許春金


本研究之目的,在探求我國近30年間,警察機關有效抗制幫派與有組織犯罪所運用之偵查策略。本研究先了解臺灣幫派與組織犯罪型態及非法活動之變遷、國外偵辦組織犯罪之偵查策略,再訪談國內警察機關之犯罪偵查實務專家,了解我國組織犯罪偵查策略之變遷情形,企圖將理論與實務結合、新科技與傳統犯罪偵查融合。 現在屬於資通訊科技時代,警察機關對黑幫組織的偵查技術是否應該要改進?從前的偵查策略與技術,具有經驗價值之處該如何傳承?本研究在研究方法部分,採用深度訪談法及次級資料分析方法,經過深入訪談七位具有多年偵辦幫派與組織犯罪實務經驗之警官,歸納官方資料及相關文獻,深入了解臺灣近30年來掃黑政策,以及對幫派與組織犯罪偵查策略之變遷。透過訪談與資料分析,期盼獲得維護治安新思維,將前瞻性之偵查策略,應用於現階段之犯罪偵查,對於未來在偵辦幫派與有組織犯罪方面能更具成效。 本研究發現,幫派與有組織犯罪偵查策略之變遷,在每一個階段都有不同的偵查策略,而影響偵查策略變遷之主要因素有:一、掃黑政策之因素。二、警察績效評鑑之因素。三、重大刑案發生之因素。四、社會環境因素。五、法律變動之因素。各受訪者均認為偵查策略深受執政當局的掃黑政策之影響。在臺灣民主法治的政經社會發展下,掃黑政策的制定,由警備總部時代,轉移到了警察機關時代,這段期間掃蕩幫派組織犯罪之各項專案計畫,與第一線執行犯罪偵查之偵查策略與方式,彼此相互影響,也確定未來掃黑政策,及後續偵查策略與作為。 經比較「治平專案」實施前、後各階段之偵查策略,本研究歸納出現階段應有之偵查策略與作為,有「情報布建」、「蒐證及偵查行動」、「犯罪幫派資料建立分析運用」、「通訊監察技術」、「新科技犯罪偵查技術」等五大策略。本研究同時檢討影響警察機關偵查幫派與組織犯罪效能之內部因素,有「警察人員之遷調因素」、「績效與獎懲制度問題」、「偵查人員之能力問題」等三大因素。 隨著新科技與資、通訊科技的發達與進步,幫派分子與犯罪組織已學會利用環境的變遷,改變其犯罪手法、特性與習慣,警察及相關執法機關之犯罪偵查趨勢有必要隨時因應改變,應融合新科技與傳統犯罪偵查技巧,偵查人員應加強訓練能力,活用各種偵查策略,落實偵查行動作為,以完成打擊幫派與組織犯罪之目標。本研究最後獲得之結論與建議,有下列六大重點,應可作為我國警政機關打擊黑幫組織犯罪之參考: 一、發揮「菱形偵查策略」之科技犯罪偵查作業模式。 二、針對傳統組織犯罪共生結構,擬定偵查策略。 三、強化通訊監察設備、技術與效果。 四、打破掃黑績效「數據化」的迷思。 五、持續加強幫派與組織犯罪情報資訊網之建立。 六、成立幫派與組織犯罪之反黑專責單位。


The purpose of this study is to probe into the investigation strategy adopted by police authorities to effectively deter gangs and organized crimes. The study seeks to understand the changed in Taiwanese gangs, types of organized crimes & illegal activities and strategies adopted by foreign crime investigation units. Through interviews with experts on field investigation, we can understand the changes in such strategy. The study is an attempt t to combine theories with actual practice; new technology with traditional crime investigation. Living in the era of technology and information, shouldn’t police authorities seek to improve investigation techniques against gangs and organized crimes? What experiences and lessons could we gain and learn from previous strategy and techniques? Through the analysis of 7 interviews with veteran police officers who have been in the field for many years, the study seeks to form new reasoning for maintenance of social order and hopefully come up with a more effective method in crime investigation. The research shows that in the changes of investigation strategy of gangs and organized crimes, each phase adopts a different strategy. There are few major factors for this change: 1. Gang-cracking policy; 2 police performance review; 3 major felony cases; 4. social environment; 5. legal changes. Every interviewee agreed that the crime investigation strategy has been heavily influenced by competent authorities’ crack-down strategy. Gang wipe-out/crack-down projects and task forces and crime investigation strategy mutually influence one another in different phase and period. Comparing each phase of strategy before and after the implementation of Chihping Anti-Gangster Program, the study concluded that there are 5 strategies adopted for the current phase: intelligence mapping, evidence collection and investigation, analysis and application of gangs/organized crime information/database, communication surveillance technology and high-tech crime investigation technology. The research also concluded that there are 3 internal factors that influence the effectiveness of investigation: police personnel relocation, performance review & reward/disciplinary system, and capability of investigation personnel. Perpetrators and organized crimes have learned to adapt to the fast changing environment and changed their techniques, features and habits accordingly, therefore it’s imperative that police and investigation personnel should also improve upon strategies and combine new technology and traditional investigation techniques. Such personnel should reinforce and strengthen capabilities through trainings and engaging and familiarizing in different strategies and field studies. The study has the following conclusion and suggestions that may be serve as reference for crackdown of gangs and organized crimes: 1. Make full use of Diamond Investigation Strategy pertaining to technology crime investigation. 2. Draft investigation strategy based on the co-exist structure of traditional organized crimes. 3. Reinforce communication surveillance, equipment, technology and effectiveness. 4. Eradiate the myth of “digitalize” crackdown performance. 5. Reinforce establishment of crime information and intelligence web. 6. Establish responsible units for anti-gang/organized crime initiatives.


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