  • 學位論文


A study on Aboriginal gang member's life histories

指導教授 : 許春金 黃蘭媖


本研究旨探究原住民幫派成員之生命歷程,選擇以幫派組織活動最活躍之臺北市為研究範圍區,希冀透過文獻檔案整理與分析,了解犯罪幫派組織之形成、組織架構與犯罪類型等有更具體的認識,再以立意取樣之抽樣方式,針對原住民幫派成員4名進行深度訪談,以瞭解他們加入幫派的重要生命事件轉折及對生命的影響,並對幫派組織的犯罪次文化能有更深入之剖析。臺北市是臺灣的政經發展中心,幫派組織犯罪活動尤其活躍,本土的角頭型幫派各據地盤,而外省眷村子弟結盟的竹聯幫等幫派組織則盤據於政經發展活絡的中山區及大安區;Peter Lupsha的理性選擇組織犯罪理論及Gambetta之私人保護理論似乎較能符合臺北市幫派及有組織犯罪團體的本質及活動型態。 研究抽樣4名對象均為原住民,分別有卑南族、魯凱族、泰雅族、阿美族等,並以代號A、B、C、D等稱之,現為幫派組織成員,幫派活動範圍均以臺北市區為主。訪談中發現受訪原住民幫派成員之生長家庭背景與結構,並不健全,求學意願低,國中或高中時期結交不良朋友,對家族與團體具有相當高的歸屬感,同時認為自己原住民家庭背景、經濟能力、教育學識等條件下,與一般市區比較,普遍較低,故想在現今國家社會嶄露頭角是相當困難。 經由訪談受訪者之出生背景、家庭結構、家庭氣氛、求學歷程、同儕與朋友影響、職業歷程、偏差行為與刑事司法歷程、加入幫派管道與歷程、對原住民之認同及與未來生命規劃等面向,發現其影響加入幫派組織生命歷程,與理性選擇組織犯罪理論、幫派副文化理論(緊張理論)、一般化緊張理論、差別接觸理論、社會控制理論、私人保護組織犯罪理論、社會亂迷理論等犯罪學理論息息相關。 本研究以生命敘事角度進行分析,針對原住民幫派成員從出生、學校、社會、交友、職業及重要事件轉折致加入幫派與生活影響之生命歷程從事研究,希冀有助於防範或減少原住民加入幫派。而論文本身的參考價值,也是研究者產生動機的原因之一,因此,本研究期盼能在國內幫派組織成員轉型期的關鍵時刻,成為此類問題本土性研究的先驅,並希冀本研究發現與成果,提供實務界與學術界參酌。


生命歷程 幫派 組織犯罪


This study aimed to explore the life history of Aboriginal gang members , in order to select the most active of the gangs activities for the scope of the study area in Taipei , hoping collation and analysis through the documents and archives , to understand the formation of criminal gangs , the organizational structure and the type of crime , which are more specific knowledge, again on a sample basis of purposive sampling for Aboriginal gang members four in-depth interviews , to understand their important life events join gangs and turn on life , and criminal subculture gangs can have more the in-depth analysis . Taipei is Taiwan's political and economic development centers , organized crime gangs particularly active , local gangs each corner head type according to the site , while the Bamboo Union gang and other organizations allied to the children of military dependents provinces disc according to political and economic development of active Zhongshan Daan District and District ; Peter Lupsha private protection theory of rational choice theory of crime organizations and Gambetta seems more in keeping with the Taipei gangs and organized crime groups and the nature of activity patterns . Study subjects were sampled four Aboriginal, respectively, Puyuma , Rukai , Atayal , Amis , etc., and the code A, B, C, D , etc. Moreover, he is now the gang members , gang activity range Taipei area are based. Interviews found that the growth and structure of the family background of respondents Aboriginal gang members , does not sound , low willingness to study , junior high school or make bad friends, family and the community has a very high sense of belonging , and consider themselves aboriginal family background , economic capacities, education knowledge and other conditions, compared with the general urban , generally low , and would like to. Interview respondents were born via the background , family structure, family atmosphere , to study history, peers and friends affected, occupational history, deviant behavior and the criminal justice process, join gangs and pipeline course on Aboriginal identity and future of life planning for , join gangs found to influence the course of life , rational choice theory of organized crime , gangs , deputy cultural theory ( strain theory ) , generalized strain theory , differential association with social control theory , private conservation organizations crime theory , the theory of social chaos fans other crimes. In this study, the analysis of narrative viewpoint in life for Aboriginal gang members transition from birth , school , community , friends , career and life history of important events induced to join the gang life and the impact of research , hoping to help prevent or reduce Aboriginal added gangs. The paper itself is one of the reasons the reference value , the researchers also generated motivation , this study and look forward to gang members in the country in transition, a critical moment , a pioneer in the local studies such issues , and hope this study found and results , providing practical and academic reference..


Life Course gangs organized crime


林武銘 (2011)。不同類型幫派組織結構及活動之研究。臺北大學犯罪學研究所學位論
