  • 期刊


The Modulation of a Prime Suite: Study on Adolescents' Joining the Adult Gangs in Taiwan


青少年加入成人幫派近年廣受社會關注,本研究從當事者觀點探究其經驗內涵。以其入幫時間長短、入幫時是否在學,以及核心或外圍角色篩選出某感化教育機構內八位青少年深入訪談,以探究他們的成長背景及幫會經驗感受。 研究結果發現:目睹婚姻暴力、父子關係、師生關係以及輟學與否是關鍵的環境因素。從入幫、參與幫派任務到產生脫離念頭,是個人動機、特質與情境互動的過程。入幫動機、強度與任務分工決定了其在幫派中的核心或外圍地位,也顯示其任務所得多寡及觸法分擔風險的大小。高收入及成就感形塑了重物慾的生活型態及價值觀,也與幫派的連結更加緊密。違法任務與幫派間紛爭可能造成的傷害,是他們的恐懼。隱瞞幫派身份以躲避家人阻攔,與大哥因任務與利益而結合,遵守幫規則因人而異。大哥的利益關照、個人會因同情或道義而自願頂罪。對警察負面評價多,經歷收容後都期許重新出發。回歸家庭懷抱或自組家庭,則是離幫後的期許。 文末針對黑幫涉入校園的內涵、入幫青少年標籤現象、及青少年參與幫派的動力關係等進一步剖析及討論。


The phenomenon of adolescents' joining the adult gangs has been a social concern in Taiwan. This study explores the young gangsters' experiential journey of organized crime from their perspectives. Based on the seniority, student status/or not, and role played in their gangs, eight adolescents from a reformatory in northern Taiwan have been sampled to proceed with in-depth interview on their background and experiences with the adult gangs. It is found that marital violence witness, school drop-out, being suffered from father-son tension as well as bad relationship on campus have been the crucial environmental factors to predict later adult gang membership. Furthermore, the interplay among personal motivation, characteristics, and circumstances contributes to an adolescent's becoming an adult gang member, taking order, and later leaving the gang. An adolescent's motivation of joining an adult gang and the following order taking will have impact on his status setting in the adult gang, and accordingly, the benefit as well as risk sharing to break the law. High income from illegal activities part-taking and the sense of accomplishment shape the young gangsters’ materialist life style and value system which push them even closer to the adult gangs. However, the damage caused by illegal assignment operation and gang fighting has been a threat to the adolescent gangsters. Their families usually do not know their gang status due to the adolescents' careful disguise. For those who decide to leave the adult gang, back to their families of origin or to have their own families is their hope. Their relationship with the adult gang leaders is based on mutual interest, while compliance with gang rules has been varied among adolescent members. They may voluntarily turn themselves in to the police just in order to cover for other adult gangsters due to the code of honor. And they usually have negative experiences with the police and justice system. All the adolescent inmates expect to have a refreshing start after being discharged from the reformatory.




Ling, C. K. (2011). 共譜圓舞曲~非自願案主思維下少年工作之探究與反思 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315232159
