  • 學位論文


A Study on the Legal System of Marriage Immigration -including the Protection for Battered Immigrant Women

指導教授 : 徐慧怡


由於我國婚姻移民數量激增,加上婚姻移民婦女受暴之比例較本國籍婦女為高,在其遭受家庭暴力時,除語言上之限制使其難以向外求援外,身份取得之問題為另一使其不願求助之重要因素,而我國雖然於近幾年致力於婚姻移民權益之保障,修法放寬居留及歸化等要件之限制,亦於96年移民法修正時增訂防家暴條款,然而此等規定是否足以保障其權益,值得進一步探討。 本文研究之重點著重於婚姻移民法制之探討,並另針對受暴移民婦女權益保障部分提出討論。而在美國法中針對受暴移民婦女之保護,已有一連串之修法,本文將介紹其相關之保護法案,並比較我國法與美國法之不同。 我國對於婚姻移民來台制度,尚區分大陸配偶與外籍配偶而適用不同之法律,對於受暴移民婦女之保護,最先規定於大陸配偶放寬尋覓保證人及工作權之規定,98年修法後始增訂大陸配偶受暴居留權之保障,而外籍配偶部分於96年移民法修正時即增訂防家暴條款,在符合法律規定之情況下,可取得居留權之保障。 美國移民法中對於受暴移民婦女之保護,於1990年創設受暴移民婦女保留聯合申請權,並且在1994年制定婦女暴力防治法,規定三種類型之受暴者可提單獨申請取得移民地位,並提供處於驅逐出境程序之受暴者救濟機會。2000年更擴大保護對象,又創設U Visa提供其他受暴者救濟機會。2005年更將父母納入保護對象,對U Visa持有人之家庭團聚利益亦納入考量。 我國雖於近幾年放寬婚姻移來台之限制,亦增訂防家暴條款,惟其適用之要件過於嚴格,無法達到保護之效果,應擴大對於受暴移民婦女之保護範圍,同時應有正當程序之保障,將此等不足之處加以修正,始能真正保障其權益。


In Taiwan, due to the sharp increase in immigrant marriage, there are a greater number of immigrant women experiencing violent attacks than that of native women. Those battered immigrant women have difficulties of asking for help because of several problems such as language, cultural and social barriers, and the greatest obstacle is the obtaining of residency status created by the immigration law of Taiwan. Even though we put more efforts into loosening the restriction of obtaining lawful immigration status and affording more rights for immigrant women over the past years, it is still worth further discussion whether the regulation is plentiful for protecting those who are abused. This study focus on the discussion of the legal system of immigration marriage and the relevant Bills of the United States, partly including the protection of abused immigrant women, also it compares the difference of the immigration laws between the United States and Taiwan. Under the current legal system, different laws are applied to the mainland and foreign spouses. Immigration law represented the first of legislation that protected battered women in 2004 and then it afforded mainland spouse working rights in Taiwan. In addition, the immigration law enacted protection for battered women obtaining residency status in 2007and 2009. United Stated enacted the 1990 Battered Spouse Waiver, the Violence Against Women Act of 1994(VAWA 1994), VAWA of 2000 and VAWA of 2005. VAWA 1994 allowed three groups of the abused to self-petition for lawful immigration status and offered relief for battered immigrant women who had already been placed in deportation. VAWA 2000 further expanded categories of protected abuse victims and created the U Visa to help domestic violence and other crime victims who could not file a self-petition under VAWA 1994. VAWA 2005 expands relief to abused parents of United States Citizens and affords domestic violence victims who have ordered deported additional opportunities to have their cases re-opened. In recent years, we have reduced the restriction of immigrant women and enacted protection for battered women obtaining legal residency status. However, the clauses of the regulation are still too strict, so it can’t really achieve the purpose of protecting domestic violence women. Therefore, we should continue expanding and modifying categories of immigration laws in order to protect abuse victims.




