  • 學位論文


The Study of the Organization and Functions of the Civil Servant Associations in Taiwan

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


民國92年1月1日施行之「公務人員協會法」,是我國保障公務人員勞動基本權之法源依據。但施行至今八年餘,各級機關籌組公務人員協會情形的情形並不踴躍,全國公務人員協會係全國最高公務人員團體代表,已於98年10月2日成立,其成立能發揮保障全國公務人員權益之功能,使協會運作完整與健全,對政府形成影響力。 「公務人員協會法」之制訂,旨在保障公務人員在憲法上所賦予之結社自由權,亦即允許公務人員可以合法組織協會,公務人員協會法的實施不僅使得公務人員的勞動基本權獲得具體落實,且增加國家與公務人員對抗、協商之機制。目前我國公務人員籌組公務人員協會,享有團結權,但公務人員協會係屬公益性社團法人之地位,僅有建議權 及少部分提出協商事項權,不得向主管機關或相關機關請求締結團體協約,也不得發起、主辦、幫助或參與任何罷工、怠職或其他足以產生相當結果之活動,不僅團體協商權有待強化,罷工權議題也未列入。 我國機關公務人員協會係由機關內之公務人員參與所組成,可提出建議事項及部分協商事項,無罷工權;全國公務人員協會之組成份子為各機關公務人員協會,可推派代表參與涉及全體公務人員權益有關之法定機關(構)、團體。凡與公務人員協會有關的問題,應盡可能讓公務人員有積極參與決策的機會,使公務人員透過實際參與而認同協 會,並從參與中獲得最大的滿足。 本論文以參與管理理論為基礎,採取文獻分析法及深度訪談法,從我國已成立之機關公務人員協會來探討其組織面及功能面之運作,期能從中發現問題,並進而提出政策建議,以為日後修法之參考。另公務人員協會法短期內一定要配合馬總統積極推動的兩個國際公約修法,以符合國際人權標準的要求。


Civil Servant Association Act, implemented on January 1, 2003, is the legal basis in Taiwan for protecting the fundamental labor rights of civil servants. Going into its ninth year of implementation, the establishment of civil servant associations by the various levels of governmental agencies has not been enthusiastic. With its establishment on October 2nd, 2009, the National Civil Servant Association, as the nation’s highest representative body for civil servants, functions to protect the rights of the nation’s civil servants. With complete and robust operations, the association may wield an influence on the government. With its enactment, the Civil Servant Association Act intends to safeguard the freedom of association granted by the Constitution, which allows civil servants to legally form associations. The implementation of Civil Servant Association Act not only enables the concrete realization of fundamental labor rights of civil servants, but also augments the mechanism for confrontation and negotiation between the state and civil servants. Presently, our country’s civil servants are entitled to the right to organize and form civil servant associations. However, civil servant associations, with the non-profit social organization status, merely hold the right to make suggestions and a few rights related to the initiation of negotiation and are prohibited from making any requests to the competent authority or other relevant authorities for entering into a collective bargaining agreement, nor could they initiate, host, assist or participate in any strikes, dereliction or other activities that generate similar effects. Not only is thre a need to reinforce collective bargaining rights, but the Act also fails to include the right to strike. The nation’s civil servant associations are consisted of affiliated civil servants within the respective agencies. They can make recommendations and initiate negotiation-related matters, but are without the right to strike. The National Civil Servant Association, made up of various civil servant associations, can appoint a representative to get involved with any legal agency or organization whose affairs concern the rights of all civil servants. Whenever possible, civil servants shall be given the opportunities to actively participate in the decision-making on all issues pertaining to civil servant associations, enabling civil servants to identify with the associations through actual participations and gaining the greatest satisfaction through the experience. In this paper, which is based on the theory of participative management, documentary analysis and in-depth interviews were adopted to examine the existing civil servant associations and to explore their operations with respect to their organizations and functions, in anticipation of discovering problems and subsequently making policy recommendations to serve as references for making legal amendments in the future. In addition, in meeting the international human rights standards, in the short run, the Civil Servant Association Act must be in coordination with the two international convention amendments that President Ma has been promoting aggressively.


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