  • 學位論文


The study of the appointment type and turnover intention of General Affairs Staff in the judicial institutions of Taiwan.

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


由於司法機關總務單位未有完備之組織編制且人員之任用來源不一,致發生總務業務缺乏專業性服務及總務人員之間有同工不同酬的待遇不平等情況;由於薪資報酬不公平易引起從業人員罅隙,甚至引起司法機關總務人員之離職傾向及業務執行障礙等,形成司法機關總務單位嚴重的問題。究其因,係由於人事任用型態紛歧、待遇報酬無一致之標準,所造成的結果。故為期使朝無倖進之徒,野無抑鬱之士,本論文研究之重點,即為探討司法機關總務人員因特殊之人事任用型態與離職傾向間之關聯,並對現行人事任用制度進行深度檢視,以達健全之司法機關總務人事制度。 本研究運用參與觀察法、文獻分析法、法制研究法、焦點團體訪談法及問卷調查法等,經深入研究後獲得以下結論: 一、 組織法應明訂總務單位及總務人員相關的任用規範,總務人員應由一般行政職系人員專才專任之。 二、 總務業務具有與業務單位同等重要的專業性,且總務業務法規繁多,工作性質應以具行政專業人才擔任較符合業務需要。 三、 服務於總務單位之書記官,其權益因任用制度受到不公平之待遇,易影響其留任總務單位之意願。 四、 就離職傾向而言,總務人員因不受機關首長或機關內其他司法人員的認同與尊重,而易影響其留任總務單位之意願。 五、 就組織編制、專業需求及報酬公平性認知與離職傾向之關聯性,經研究結果發現各變項間均有高度之正向相關。 對於以上發現,本研究提出司法機關總務單位應進行組織編制之調整,修改各級法院組織法規,增設一般行政職系之總務人員;落實公務人員任用制度專才專業之宗旨,對於職務輪調時應進行度業務專業法規之教育訓練;職務輪調、陞遷及待遇制度應符合公平正義;適度尊重總務業務執行之專業性及自主性。


Because the judicial organ general affairs unit has not yet established the complete organization and the assignment of the personnel originates varies, the general affairs is lack of specialized service and also the general affairs personnel has the common situation of inequality in reward and treatment despite of the same labor base. As the unfair salary reward, there is opposition between jobholders; judicial organ general affairs tend to leave their job and even cause the service execution barriers. This is indeed the most serious issue to judicial organ general affairs unit. The main reason is that the human affair assignment diverges greatly and the standard of treatment and reward is inconsistent. To avoid inadequate person servicing government and disappointing person outside the organization, key point of present paper research is to inspect association between specific personnel assignment and the tendency to leave the job and also to carry on the depth to inspect the assign system of current human affairs. We hope to obtain improvement on the judicial organ general affairs personnel system. This research utilizes participation method of inspection, literature analytic method; the legal system methodology, the focal point association interview law and the questionnaire survey procedure. Here comes up with following conclusion: 1. The constitutive law should clearly subscribe the general affairs unit and the general affairs personnel's related assign standard, the general affairs personnel should be the personnel people with professional skills specially appointed by the general administrative duty. 2. The general affairs service is equally important with the operating unit in the the field of specialization. The general affairs code of practice is many, Based on the job category, administrative professional hold the post can meet the service need entirely. 3. To those who serve in the general affairs unit, will be easy to affect not to remain in office due to improper assign system and uneven treatment. 4. As to the tendency to leave job, general affairs personnel will be reluctant to stay in general affairs unit for the lack of endorsement and respect from judicial administrators and officials. 5. For the association between organization establishment, specialized demand cognition and reward fairness cognition on the organization with leaves job relatedness of the tendency, we can discover high forward relatedness based on most recent research. According to the above findings, this research proposed that the judicial organ general affairs unit should make adjustment of the organization establishment, revising all levels of court organization laws and regulations, setting up general administration duty of the general affairs personnel; Carrying out the objective of the assignment of government workers with professional skills and specialties. In case of duty rotation, education and training on advance service specialized laws and regulations is needed and also rotation, promotion and the treatment system should conform to the fair justice. Specialization and independency of general affairs service execution should deserve moderate respect.


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