  • 學位論文


A Study on Historical Documents’ Retrieve and Industries for Anciently Chinese Books During the Chinese Resistance Against Japanese Aggression ─Emphases on Communication Between Mr. Zhen-Duo Zheng and Bookmen

指導教授 : 盧錦堂


對日抗戰(1937-1945)的這段期間,因當時戰亂形勢所逼之下,迫使江南許多的著名藏書家為了求生存,必須散出自家所祕藏的善本珍籍,這批古籍流入上海舊書業中,因此引起一場古書爭奪戰,其中包括了美、日、偽滿政府等,後來鄭振鐸等人發現這樣會讓傳統的中國古籍因而流落至異地,成立「文獻保存同志會」,於是也展開了秘密搶救古籍的行列,最終目的就是為了要盡其所能的保護國家文化典籍。本文就以抗戰時期為時間點,根據鄭振鐸的《劫中得書記》、《求書日錄》、《上海文獻保存同志會工作報告書》、《搶救祖國文獻的珍貴記錄─鄭振鐸先生書信集》及與鄭振鐸致蔣復璁信札等相關參考資料,主要著重於探究那時候的鄭振鐸為公為私在古籍搶救的艱辛過程中,如何能得以搜購到那些珍貴典籍,以及與書賈之間的買賣相關活動及往來互動情形等。 本論文分為八章,首章緒論,主要撰寫本論文的動機與研究範圍和方法,及前人之相關研究;次章是近代古書業之概況,時代背景上分為清末民初和對日抗戰時期,在書業發展上略析南北古書業的發展與轉變;第三章是抗戰期間鄭振鐸展開對古籍的搶救─為公搜購,主要著重於鄭振鐸在幫國家搶救古籍時,面對經費與書價的問題、購得書籍的來源、與書賈及他人競購古籍等發生的狀況;第四章是抗戰期間鄭振鐸展開對古籍的搶救─私人典藏,針對鄭振鐸本人在收書過程所遇到的狀況,包括在書價的部份、與書商間的競購、或收得某書時所花費的時間等;第五章為鄭振鐸與書賈間之交往情形,藉著在典籍買賣的過程中,探析有關他和書商之間互動的情形;第六章概述抗戰期間與鄭振鐸交往之書肆坊賈,舉出一些當時著名且與鄭振鐸往來較密切的書商,並略述古舊書肆的主人生平及其在經營上的特色;第七章為鄭振鐸自書賈手中所購致古籍之價值,從國家到鄭振鐸個人的收書上,整理略述其購得之書的版本、種類與其價值;最終章為結論,透過前幾章的探究結果,了解到鄭振鐸在抗戰期間對於搶救古籍過程上的得失和書賈在古籍搶救活動上的重要性及貢獻。


Due to the menace with chaos caused by war during the Chinese Resistance Against Japanese Aggression(1937-1945), dozens of bibliophiles in Chiangnan of China struggled for existence by unwillingly releasing rare books they compiled. These rare books were separated randomly to those working in ancient books industry in Shanghai. Meanwhile, it happened to trigger off a competitive atmosphere among them to catch these released old books. So most enthusiasts coming from the America, Janpan and a puppet regime established by Puyi for rare books made full efforts to achieve the purpose. Otherwise, Mr. Zhen-Duo Zheng along with bibliophiles initiated an assembly responsible for Chinese old documents retrieve and reposition (named Chinese Bibliography Alliance) to protect original and valuable rare books from loss. In this article we employ a target time scale designated on the Chinese Resistance Against Japanese Aggression for our study. Whilst based upon some important archives with enumeration to a book entitling Working Reports for Chinese Bibliography Alliance Shanghai and Affiliated Records on movements of retrieve for original and valuable old documents-Mr. Zheng’s Letters Anthology...etc., we further explore the retrieve processes headed by Mr. Zheng. Eventually, under the framework of stories within the study, we thereby understand how Mr. Zheng tried hard to find and to purchase precious rare books at that time and also elucidate communication between Mr. Zheng and bookmen. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. Motivation, goals, scopes, approaches and literatures-reviewing for the study are in Chapter One. Chapter Two encompasses several emphases on development and evolvement of ancient books industry in the duration of the Early Twentieth Century and the Chinese Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Then, that Mr. Zheng retrieves old documents for nation`s requirement is written down into Chapter Three where the story impresses us the processes and situations about fund-raising and price-making for collecting these rare books. Also the story within this chapter lets us know how Mr.Zheng finds out potential channels to fish all kinds of old documents elsewhere along with occurrences when purchasing ancient books from contemporary bookmen. Similar to Mr. Zheng’s movement to retrieve rare books for personal collection is in Chapter Four. Specially, evident communication between Mr. Zheng and bookmen are in Chapter Five. Additionally, Chapter Six describes the reciprocials among bookstores, contemporary bookmen and Mr. Zheng as they highlight the focus on historical documents retrieve. Large amounts of versions of categoried and valuable old documents collected through Mr Zheng’s endeavor are in Chapter Seven. Final Chapter shows a sweeping comprehension throughout Chapter One to Seven to help us clarify the importance of activities of historical documents retrieve which are driven through Mr. Zheng`s attempt during the Chinese Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.


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