  • 學位論文


A Study on Suen Dian-Chi′s“ Fan Shu Ou Ji ”and“ Liou Li Chang Shiau Jr ”

指導教授 : 盧錦堂


我國的古舊書業由來已久,在清代,書肆文化與學術交織更引起了繁榮書業活動,而書肆書賈在某些情況上的貢獻,亦占了我國文化史上的一部分。本文便在討論時代學術的衝擊下,北京琉璃廠所繁衍出的書肆文化,以孫殿起為例,研究孫殿起《販書偶記》、《琉璃廠小志》等著作本身欲呈現出來的價值與意義,也探討孫殿起在著錄時,欲對於古舊書業的體現,以及希冀保存學術文化資料所給予的價值影響。   本論文分為六章:   第一章緒論,說明研究動機與期許。   第二章主要分生平、交游與著作三方面介紹清末民初的書賈孫殿起。   第三章則討論清代學術與書肆文化對孫殿起的影響,並討論琉璃廠書肆如何應運清代學術而繁衍成為北京的文化市集。   第四章則在探究《販書偶記》的內容、特色與價值。   第五章則在討論《琉璃廠小志》保存昔日琉璃廠古舊書業及地方文化的文獻價值。   第六章結論,則歸納孫殿起及其著作對於保存古典文獻與地方文化的貢獻。


A long history of industry in the ancient books in the Qing Dynasty, Shu Si intertwined cultural and academic books has attracted a thriving business activities, and Shu Si Jia book's contribution in some cases, account for part of our cultural history. This article has discussed the impact of academic time, Beijing Liulichang that spawned the Shusi culture to Sundian from an example, Sundian from " Fan Shu Ou Ji ", " Liou Li Chang Shiau Jr i" and other works presented itself, like the value and significance , but also from the recording in the time of Sundian, like the embodiment of ancient books industry, and academic and cultural information are hoping to save the value of giving. This thesis is divided into six chapters: The first chapter, the motivation and expectations. The second chapter is divided into life, friends and work introduces three Suen Dian-Chi Late Qing Dynasty from the book. The third chapter is devoted to academic and Shu Si Qing Dynasty, the effect of culture on Suen Dian-Chi and discuss how to be shipped Liou Li Chang Shusi and reproduction of Qing culture of the Beijing market. The fourth chapter in the inquiry " Fan Shu Ou Ji " content, features and value. The fifth chapter in the discussion " Liou Li Chang Shiau Jr " Save the old books Liou Li Chang industry and the local culture of ancient literature values. Chapter conclusion, since its induction Suen Dian-Chi preservation of the classical works of literature and the contribution of the local culture.


