  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Study of Professionalizing the Procurement Officers in schools:a case study of the public elementary schools in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


論文提要內容: 我國政府採購制度已推動十餘年,採購人員專任化是趨勢,但目前國內公立國民小學之採購人員大部分仍由教師兼任,本研究係以公立國民小學政府專業採購人員任用及採購業務的推展為研究方向,探討現行制度是否有改善空間,並以新北市轄內公立國民小學之政府採購人員為研究標的,研究採購職務的現況、教師兼任問題、分析原因及剖析影響,並以推動公立國民小學「採購人員職務專任化」作政策可行性分析,由政治、經濟、法律、行政、時間及技術等各個面向,分析學校採購職務由公務人員專任之可行性。 本論文運用之研究方法以深度訪談法為主,文獻分析法為輔,並以政策可行性為主要的理論基礎,以採購專業的角度為出發點,針對國小採購人員的的職務、任用及相關管理法令,就國民小學採購職務所面臨的問題進行分析,研究新北市所屬公立國民小學的採購職務朝「專任化」發展的可行性。 提出公立國民小學採購人員專任化之政策建議:一、現況方面:國民小學事務組長專任化難度不高,建議先行推動,以漸進的方式分階段完成國民小學事務組長專任化制度。另外,總務主任職務建議維持現狀,以避免對學校行政產生過大的衝擊。二、短程:建議教育局評估國民小學職員編制員額合理性,運用適當的公務人力輔助轄內各國小的學校行政,讓學校行政朝專業化發展,減輕教師兼任行政的工作負荷,使教學專業和學校行政專業都可以正常發展,促進校務順暢運作。三、中長程:建議比照國中模式將國小總務處職員化,逐步推動國民小學總務處行政職務職員化,讓學校中與教學專業較不相關的行政職務,改由公務人員來執行。四、備選替代方案:研擬成立學校工程專責採購單位,以解決目前國民小學採購人員專業性不足的問題。本研究之政策建議提供主管機關作為政策之參考。


Our government’s procurement system has been implementing for more than 10 years. Most of the procurement officers in the public elementary schools in Taiwan are served by the school teachers. However, there is a trend toward the professionalization of procurement system in the elementary schools, the focal concern of this paper accordingly is to examine whether it is feasible to promote the professionalism of this system in the public elementary schools. The major purpose of the present study is to discuss whether there is a feasibility to renew the current system by introducing the government’s systematic appointment of professional procurement officers in the public elementary schools. The subjects of this paper are the government’s procurement officers in the public elementary schools in New Taipei City. The current job description of the procurement officers in schools and the influence of the appointment of nonprofessional staff, such as school teachers, to serve this position would be discussed in this paper. This paper also examined this issue from various perspectives, such as the influences of politics, economy, law, administration, time, and techniques, in order to examine the availability of this system implemented in the elementary schools in Taiwan. The main research method in this paper is to use the comprehensive interviews, and the complementary method is the analysis of the related literature. The feasibility of the procurement policies in the elementary schools would be examined as the theoretical foundation of this research and the professionalization of procurement system would be the first concern while carrying out this research. The problems that the schools teachers serve the procurement positions and the consideration of related law and employment policies would all be discussed in this paper. Finally, some suggestions would be provided for the feasibility of the professionalization of the procurement officers in the public elementary schools in the New Taipei City. The suggestions are as the following: First, it is not difficult to professionalize the position of Head of Purchasing & Supply Section in the elementary schools. Therefore, we suggest that we can promote this policy and gradually complete the professionalization of this position. In addition, we suggest that the position of the Head of the general affairs should be maintained as usual lest the change might cause some impact to the school administration. Second, as well as the short term goal, we suggest that the Department of Education should evaluate the reasonability of the arrangement of teachers and administrative staff in the elementary schools. The main purpose it to appropriately distribute the administrative work for teachers and staff in hope of the positive development of the professionalism for both teaching and administrative jobs. Third, the middle and long term goal is to promote the professionalization of the jobs in the Office of the General Affairs in the elementary schools by applying the model from the junior high schools. By doing so, the administrative jobs that are not directly related to teaching can be taken by the civil servants, so as to professionalize both teaching and administrative jobs. Fourth, the alternative method is to establish a unit specifically in charge of the procurement for schools, so as to resolve the problem of the procurement staff’s insufficient professionalism. The suggestions made in this study are provided for the administrations concerned.


張永聰(民99), 政府採購專業證照制度執行之研究—以監察院暨所屬機關為例,國立臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系碩士在職專班論文。


