  • 學位論文


The Partnership Study of Taichung Hakka Associations Participation into Hakka’s Public Affairs—a Case Study of Hakka Cultural Festival

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


本論文針對2010年12月25日改制前之台中市的客家社團與公部門之間作為研究對象,藉由2006至2010年台中市哈客文化藝術節之個案,透過協力關係相關理論與文獻檢視,並輔以深度訪談,探討公私部門參與客家公共事務的協力關係為何,分析公私協力理念如何在客家公共事務推動,以及實際運作的情形。 研究結論建議為:一、目標共識:目標應明確且具全面性觀點、政策目標之統整、永續經營發展的目標。二、共同參與:強化部門參與及聯繫功能、強化民眾的參與及認同感、提升年輕族群參與意願、營造公私部門朝向水平融合互動關係。三、資源整合:經費補助及運用具有公平性、有效結合社區產業與資源、建立資源整合機制。四、互信建立:簡化行政作業流程、加強專業人才培訓、加強與政府部門的溝通與互動。 未來研究方向:一、在研究範圍方面:擴大研究範圍至整個大台中,針對其他客家公共事務跨組織合作的面向深入探討。二、在研究對象方面:台中地區具有豐富的客家文化、客家產業仍未被研究,建議後續研究者可以就更多的客家公共事務加以探討。三、在研究方法方面:從更多類型的客家公共事務檢視不同時期推動成效之比較,加入量化研究方法,以增加推論性及客觀性。


The subjects of this study are the Hakka associations and public sectors in Taichung City before its upgrading date of Dec. 25th in 2010. Through the cases in the Taichung Hakka Cultural Festival from 2006 to 2010 and the analyses of the Public-Private Partnership and literature review, accompanied with the comprehensive interviews, this paper is to examine how the concept of partnership between the public and private sectors are worked in the promotion and implementation of Hakka public affairs. The results are listed as below. First, the common goal should be clear and comprehensive in order to integrate all the policies and decisions so as to attain the goal of sustainable development. Second, the co-participation and communication of different departments should be emphasized, thereby reinforcing the public’s commitment, participation, and willingness for the public affairs; the goal is also to build a harmonious and interactive relation between public and private sectors. Third, the mechanism of integrating various resources should be established so as to integrate the community industries and resources and make the funding and its application even. Fourth, try to simplify the administrative procedures, enhance the cultivation of professional talents, and consolidate the tie and interaction between different departments. The research direction in the future: First, the range of the research should be expanded to the whole Taichung City and the Hakka public affairs from the perspective of cross-sectors should be explicitly examined. Second, research subjects should be expanded as well. Since a lot of Hakka cultures and industries haven’t been researched yet, we suggest the researchers should probe deeper into these areas in the near future. Third, the research method should be upgraded. We hope to examine different types of Hakka public affairs that existed in different period of time and see the effectiveness of the promotion of those affairs. The quantitative method should be added in order to improve validity and objectivity.


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