  • 學位論文


Cost Efficiency of Bank Industries in Taiwan and China: Meta DEA Approach

指導教授 : 黃美瑛


2009年,臺灣與中國簽訂金融監理合作瞭解備忘錄,兩岸之金融接觸自此趨於頻繁。但是兩岸不論在政治、經濟亦或是社會環境上多有不同,連帶使得銀行體系的經營模式與規模亦有所差異。本研究以無母數方法中的資料包絡分析法來分析兩岸銀行業的成本效率,並建構出一條足以包絡兩岸經濟條件的共同邊界用以分析。接著求出成本缺口比率(CGR),並將成本缺口比率拆解為技術缺口比率(TGR)與配置缺口比率(AEGR)的乘積。本研究於第二階段使用Tobit迴歸模型,試著找出影響兩岸效率差異的因素。本文以2005~2009年間臺灣與中國的商業銀行為研究對象,比較並探討各類型群組商業銀行於樣本期間的成本效率。實證結果整理如下: (1)發現中國普遍成本效率皆高於臺灣,經拆解後發現中國無論在配置效率亦或技術效率方面皆高於臺灣銀行業的效率值,中國銀行業之經營效率優於臺灣。 (2)在給定共同技術水準層面的假設下,兩國所估算出來的共同成本效率值皆有低於個別國家所估算出來效率值的現象。而在共同邊界的假設下,臺灣歷年的成本效率值又更略低於中國的成本效率值。 (3)成本缺口比率愈高,表示個別群組邊界愈靠近共同成本邊界。中國的成本缺口比率只有在2006年與臺灣最為接近,而後,中國便拉開與臺灣之間CGR的差距。中國一開始的技術缺口比率不如臺灣,但在2008年之後,便超越臺灣;而中國的配置缺口比率向來比臺灣高。 (4)本研究建構了一條Tobit迴歸用以研究分析兩岸效率之差異。在權益資產比方面,中國的權益資產比係數為臺灣的兩倍,且具有顯著的正向影響。銀行經營股東權屬別方面,若屬國營銀行者,在臺灣有正向的影響,而在中國有負向的影響。外商銀行的虛擬變數方面,臺灣對於外商銀行的加入具有顯著的負向影響,反觀中國則有顯著的正向影響。 (5)總資產顯示出臺灣在增加資產規模方面與中國相比較具有優勢。要素價格比於中國皆不顯著,但是臺灣卻是全部顯著;在資金勞動價格比上,臺灣具有顯著地負向影響;在資金資本價格比上,臺灣對於成本缺口比率卻有正向地顯著影響。 (6)在銀行特徵變數上,多以臺灣的係數較為顯著。臺灣與中國的tradegdp係數皆顯著為正。在mcagdp與turnover方面,僅只有臺灣的係數顯著且為正。在制度面的變數上,兩岸僅只有中國的控制貪汙指標顯著地為正。但是有趣的是,va與coc兩制度面變數在臺灣的技術缺口比率中是具有顯著性。


In 2009, Taiwan and China sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) together. Since then, the contact of financial system becomes more frequent. However, due to the political and economic differences existing between the Taiwanese and Chinese societies, the ways banks operate in and their operating scales are therefore of big differences. In this study, we analyze the cost efficiency between Taiwan and China through the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) which belongs to nonparametric methods. We try to construct a meta-frontier which can envelope the economic conditions of both Taiwan and China. And we also compute the cost gap ratio (CGR) that can be decomposed into the product of technical gap efficiency (TGR) and allocative efficiency gap ratio (AEGR). In order to figure out the factors that affect the differences in efficiency, we try to run the Tobit regression in the second stage. We have the commercial banks in Taiwan and China as our research samples. With the chronicle data from 2005 to 2009 of these banks, this research paper states the main empirical results are as follow: 1.We find the cost efficiency is carried out more properly in China than in Taiwan. 2.Take the meta-technical level as given, the estimated meta cost efficiencies are lower than the cost efficiencies estimated individually. Under the meta-frontier assumption, the cost efficiencies over the years in Taiwan are much lower than in China. 3.The higher the CGR is, the group frontiers are much closer to the meta-frontier. CGR in Taiwan is close to China in 2006. Since then, the gap of CGR between Taiwan and China has widened. 4.In eta, the coefficient in China is twice as in Taiwan, and it has the positive effects. In dummy variables, if it belongs to state-owned banks, we have positive effects in Taiwan and negative effect in china. If it belongs to foreign banks, we have significantly negative effects in Taiwan and significantly positive effects in China. 5.Total assets shows that Taiwan has the advantage in increasing the scale of assets than in China. The factor prices in China are all insignificant. But in Taiwan, we have the significantly positive effect in factor price. 6.The coefficients of tradegdp in Taiwan and China both have the positive effects. In mcagdp and turnover, only the coefficient in Taiwan has the positive effect.




