  • 學位論文


A Study of Policy Evaluation for Green Building in Taiwan

指導教授 : 丘昌泰


環保議題乃是當前十分重要的研究領域.尤其建築部門的溫室氣體排放量,占總排放量的三到四成,更是環保領域無法忽視的一塊.綠建築為我國近年發展的重要政策之一,然我國文獻以公共政策角度研究綠建築政策者闕如,少數研究雖指出綠建築政策的缺失,但對於缺失的成因卻甚少著墨,亦缺乏系統性綠建築政策評析.    基此,本研究從政策評估角度出發,首先了解綠建築成效以及政策缺失為何.其次,以執行評估為分析焦點,檢視政策執行過程,試圖找出缺失所造成的原因,避免只重政策結果而不重政策過程的黑盒子模式,以利方案推動者能對症下藥,針對政策現有缺失加以修正.   本研究採取綜合評估(summative evaluation)方式,限定2001年至2007年行政院核定並已執行完畢之「綠建築推動方案」為研究範圍,所要探究的研究目的有三: 一. 整理現有文獻,了解綠建築推動方案之成效 二. 從執行評估面向,了解綠建築推動方案執行環節的問題 本研究整合當前政策評估以及政策執行的理論與文獻,並參照綠建築政策特性,擬定適合我國綠建築政策執行評估的指標,包含「資源充足度」、「執行者意向」、「組織溝通」、「法規適當性」、「標的人口配合度」等,透過此五項指標深入了解政策執行狀況,以此推論執行因素對於政策缺失的影響. 三. 針對評估的結果,向決策當局提出推動綠建築的政策建議. 本研究採用質化評估途徑,運用文獻分析以及深度訪談法,得出研究發現如下: 一. 在公有建築方面,政策缺失為建築師承攬公有綠建築意願不高,對於綠建築設計僅以符合法規為滿足.其原因首先在於政府財政資源有限,所能給予建築師的報酬與誘因不足;其次,行政管制措施所帶來的不便,亦造成的建築師成本增加. 二. 在私有建築方面,私部門建造綠建築的比例不高的主要原因,乃政府所提供的獎勵補助誘因有限,且推動者對於一般民眾與建商行銷不足,綠建築市場需求不高,使得建商缺乏建造綠建築的充分誘因;另外,政策推行之始對開業建築師的能力建構不足,亦使建築師無法將綠建築專業技能內化於建築設計中,影響綠建築設計. 根據上述研究發現,本研究認為相關單位可以「成立綠建築跨部會整合機關」,提高推動方案實際執行層級,並整合各部門資源;「加強政策工具使用」、「簡化法規行政作業與程序」與「促進綠建築產業發展」,增加綠建築市場誘因;「加強舊有建築改善」,提升綠建築政策效益.


Nowadays, environmental issues have become more and more important. Buildings which emit more than 30% of greenhouse gases have heavy impact to our environment so that it’s hard for us to neglect the field. Taiwan government has devoted much effort to green building policy. However, in Taiwan, only a few references study on green building policy, and most of them focuses on policy outcomes rather than explaining why these outcomes were brought about. This study stresses on implementation evaluation of green building policy in Taiwan. The main purpose is to understand the implementation situation and its deficiency, so as to reveal the “black box” of policy outcomes and specifically know where the crux lies. Based on present policy evaluation and implementation literature, this study sets up five indicators to evaluate the policy, including “resources”, “the disposition of implementers”, “communication”, “the adequacy of regulations”, and “the involvement of stakeholders”. Through qualitative approach, this study gathers materials by literature review and in-depth interview methods and gets the research findings as follows: A. In terms of public sector, there are two implementation factors that reduce the architects’ willingness to manage high-standard public green building design. One is the limited financial resources of government that lead to inadequate rewards and incentives to the architectures. The other is the inconvenience of administrative regulations that increase the architects’ design cost. B. In terms of private sector, there are three implementation factors that affect construction companies’ willingness to construct green buildings. The first is the shortage of government resources that offer little incentive to the private sector. The second is the inadequacy of green building marketing to the people and builders that the demand in green building market is low. The last one is insufficient capacity building to the architects, therefore, the architects couldn’t use green building skills well when they design. According to the implementation situation and its problems stated above, this study proposes some suggestions to the officials. They are ”organizing an cross-agency task force”, “efficiently using policy tools”, “promoting green building industry”, “simplifying executive regulations and procedures”, “improving existing buildings”.




徐語宏(2016)。政府資料開放活化應用之評估研究- 以立法院資料服務平台為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0301176
