  • 學位論文


Peri-Urban Land Use and Environmental Change : A Case Study of Taipei-Taoyuan Area

指導教授 : 黃書禮


在全球環境變遷(global environmental change)的背景下,國際上對都市周邊地區(peri-urban areas)的研究與日遽增。此現象顯示都市周邊地區環境變遷的議題逐漸受到重視。都市地區的發展往往不僅止於都市範圍之界線,然而在因應發展對於土地使用與自然資源的需求下,嚴重衝擊都市與鄉村之間的過渡地帶,許多的土地使用改變與環境變遷的情形發生在都市的周邊地區,亦或更遠的地區。本研究以臺北-桃園地區為研究範圍,探討臺北-桃園地區都市化變遷的過程中,如何驅動都市周邊地區土地使用的改變?產生什麼環境課題?都市、產業與環境間的互動關係為何?本研究首先,透過文獻回顧了解相關研究成果定義的都市周邊地區概念,藉以輔助本研究界定臺北-桃園都市周邊地區的功能與特性。運用衛星影像與航照圖資,與分析相關統計資料與土地/建設相關計畫書之資料,分析臺北-桃園地區1971~2006年間空間發展的演變。本研究進一步由臺灣產業經建與空間規劃發展脈絡切入,探究影響臺北-桃園都市周邊地區都市化作用的關鍵性因素。分析結果顯示臺北-桃園都市周邊地區之發展,乃政府長期資源與規劃建設的投入的影響。36年來高度經濟發展的過程中,都市活動不斷入侵、擷取都市周邊地區,衝擊其生態系統服務的功能與價值,是現階段與未來是否能永續發展應正視的重要課題。除此之外,本研究亦運用STELLA系統動態軟體建構臺北-桃園地區系統模型,透過動態與情境模擬的過程與成果,佐證本研究所強調之都市周邊地區的重要性,當都市周邊地區所提供之生態系統服務持續地損耗,將降低調適來自於全球環境變遷衝擊的能力,都市地區終將自食惡果。


ABSTRACT Peri-Urban Land Use and Environmental Change : A case study of Taipei-Taoyuan area Li-Fang Chang July 2008 ADVISOR(S): Dr. Shu-Li Huang DEPARTMENT: Graduate Institute of Urban Planning DEGREE: Master of Urban Planning Under the influence of global environmental change, there has been increasing research related to peri-urban areas, which indicate that issues of environmental change in peri-urban areas have received increased attention. Urban development usually not confined to the city boundaries. The demands on land and resources always caused impacts on urban-rural interface and resulted in land use change in peri-urban areas. This research uses Taipei-Taoyuan area a case study, to study how urbanization in Taipei-Taoyuan area contributes as a driving force to land use change in peri-urban area? What are the issues of environmental change? How urbanization, industrial change and environment interact among themselves? Based on literature reviews, this research defined the area and content of Taipei-Taoyuan’s peri-urban area during 1971 to 2006 is analyzed. The key factors affecting urbanization in Taipei-Taoyuan’s peri-urban area is discussed from the perspectives of industrial transformation in Taiwan and spatial planning. The results of analysis indicate that the development of Taipei-Taoyuan’s peri-urban area mainly due to government’s planning and investments on the constructions of infrastructures. The apid economic growth during the past decades has resulted in the invasion and extraction of resources in peri-urban areas and caused impacts on the ecosystem service in peri-urban area. This research also uses STELLA to develop the system dynamic model of Taipei-Taoyuan area. The simulations of different scenarios further address the interrelationship between industrial development, land use change and the effect on the environment in peri-urban areas.


8. 行政院農委會水土保持局,2006,http://www.swcb.gov.tw/,下載時間:2008/05/30。
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