  • 學位論文


Political Democracy and Gender Equality: A Cross-National Analysis

指導教授 : 蔡明璋


政治民主對於社會平等的影響已受到廣泛討論,但是民主對於性別平等的影響則較少受到重視,性別平等是較為複雜的社會事實,無法僅從女性在政治層面的活躍與否而加以判定,需從經濟、社會等多面向加以分析討論。再者,民主化程度的測量多忽略女性參政造成的影響,使用僅以男性為出發點考量的一般性民主化程度的測量,用來預測性別平等是不恰當的。因此本研究使用一般性的民主化測量,加上女性的政治參與變項,合併為性別化的民主化程度測量,用來分析女性教育取得、勞動參與、收入、生育率以及女性人文發展等五個面向的性別平等。 這份研究的主要結論是,民主化程度對於性別平等沒有顯著貢獻,女性的政治參與以及女性經濟地位對性別平等才是重要的。女性的政治參與有助於提升女性收入,其餘面向的性別平等則需要女性擁有良好的經濟地位,才有促進性別平等的可能。


This study discusses the effect of political democracy on gender equality by using cross-national data. The definitions of measuring of democracy commonly fail to include the effect of women in the political regime. This study uses the measure of democracy(polity data), and the variables of the measure of women's political participation and decision power, including the share of women in parliament, female legislators, senior officials and managers, and the timing of women's suffrage. After controlling for region, cultural and economic characteristics, the regression modeling for the data from 1999 to 2005 showed that political democracy is not a powerful predicator of gender equality. The results also show that women's political and economic participation increases the degree of gender equality and imply that if women get better economic status help to improve the other aspects of gender equality.


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