  • 學位論文


State Responsibility and Corporate Responsibility under Environmental Protection Obligation — Focus on the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Scheme

指導教授 : 郭介恆


在現代國家中,人民期待國家去形塑各種制度來實現公平正義,並保障人民生存上的需求,因此國家任務急速膨脹。然而,政府一切的收入均來自於人民的負擔,若無限制地承擔任務,則政府財政收支將失去平衡,而產生財務危機。上開疑問在環境領域中,更尖銳地被凸顯出來,近年來「環境永續發展」的理念更將環境問題從實際的損害、污染推演到預防以及生態平衡等更廣闊的面向,國家在環境管制以及承擔的任務愈來愈重,且受限於經濟發展及科學技術的發展,呈現出一種僵化、短視及造成人民不信任的態度,因此將環境任務適當分配與社會或使用最多環境資源的企業,便成為必定的趨勢。 尤其在處理污染及公害的議題上,使用大量環境資源或造成污染者多為特定事業,而環境資源享用應加以平等分配,故而實不宜由全體國民共同分擔此一環境問題的解決。而目前在整治污染的領域中,土壤與地下水污染源傳輸之結果,牽涉之人、時、地甚廣,其整治義務及其所需要花費相當龐大之經費,其責任分配制度之設計要如何同時符合環境正義以及整治效能,即為一大難題。我國土壤及地下水污染整治法參照美國CERCLA之責任機制,有擴大整治責任主體的設定,且設計一個穩定的基金來支撐整治所需的財務,但一方面卻又在整治責任歸責標準及連帶責任等處處限縮,故而在行政機關所負擔舉證責任較重之情況下,污染責任追索的規範效力方面,亦較美國之規定減弱許多,國家勢必得在整治污染上承擔較多的責任。但同時該法也無法擺脫擴大責任主體背離了『由污染者負責原則』的批評。 本文試圖由國家與企業分別在環境保護上各本於憲法要求、肇因者負擔等環境法上要求應負擔何種任務出發,分析我國土壤及地下水污染整治法運作狀況以及所遭遇之問題,並參照美國CERCLA之立法及執行經驗,探討該責任機制是否合於整治效能以及環境正義,最後對於該責任分配機制以及國家應為之配套措施提出建議。


In a newly developed democratic country, the public expects that country could construct the legal systems to achieve the justice of society and ensure the demand for existence. Therefore, the government is expected to deal with diversified assignments. However, the income of government collected from taxation, the financial system of government could not burden all the expense of expected assignments of the public and might face to financial crisis. The issue mentioned above is especially obvious in the field of environmental law. In the recent years, the concepts of “sustainable development for environment and resources” have extended the actual environmental problems from real damages and pollutions to how to protect and maintain the ecological equilibrium. Consequently, the country has to take more responsibility of environmental regulations than other fields. However, the country would be restrained by the economic and scientific developments so that it would tend to be deadlocked and lacking in foresight,, moreover, the public would lost its trust in the country as well.. As the reason stated above, how to assign the environmental tasks of the society or the enterprises that use most of resources properly would become a necessary trend. Regarding to the issue of dealing with environmental pollution, the utilization of environmental resources shall be distributed equally. Because the specific corporations exhaust a large amount of environmental resource and cause pollution, the solutions of this environmental pollution shall not be placed on every citizen. Soil and underground water pollution are the most serious problems of it. Due to the extent of relative population, time, and space is vast in the field of underground water pollution and it would cost large amount of money as well, the assignments of responsibility needs to conform to environmental justice and effectiveness. The relative laws of underground water pollution could propose to refer to the responsibility mechanism of CERCLA in U.S.A. This thesis attempts to discuss that the States and the corporations shall comply with the requirements of the Constitution of the environmental protection. It also discusses the burden of environmental law and analyzes our country soil and the underground water pollution Remediation Scheme problems as well as operation conditions. The author discusses the experience of the American CERCLA and argues whether the responsibility mechanism of improvement in performance and environmental justice works well. Finally, the author advises the proper and adequate responsibility of the country and the mechanism of the conclusion.


CERCLA superfund


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