  • 學位論文


A Study of the Limited Liability Partnership:Focus on Legislation in Japan

指導教授 : 杜怡靜


隨著全球化與資訊科技化的來臨,企業經營環境也日趨在變化,而企業競爭力的資源逐漸轉移到人力資本,其中又以具有專業知識技術的人才甚為重要。這些專業技術的人才大多以合夥組織經營事業,然而在一般合夥組織上,合夥人須負連帶無限清償責任,使得專業人才常會碰到難以預見的損害賠償的風險。隨著非公司型企業的興起,在英美國家已逐漸發展出內部自治彈性而有限責任的合夥組織,即有限責任合夥組織(Limited Liability Partnership,簡稱LLP),藉以緩和專業人才在合夥組織經營上的責任風險。日本亦參考英美國家的立法例,於2005年8月施行日本版的有限責任合夥法,使得LLP制度之建立,儼然係世界潮流的趨勢。 本論文在研究方法上,係以文獻分析為出發。主要是介紹日本有限責任合夥法的立法制度,從其立法背景介紹,再探討日本法參考英美立法例的制度,並重點介紹日本有限責任合夥法的內容,及與該制度相類似的事業體(如日本版LP、日本版LLC等等),以瞭解目前日本國內擁有多元的組織型態供企業經營選擇。而日本有限責任合夥法施行迄今約5年餘,本文亦介紹其設立狀況及主要代表實例,並檢討其施行狀況,目的作為我國日後立法上的參考。 我國企業組織型態上,向來僅有公司、合夥及獨資,然為與世界潮流接軌,我國目前企業組織型態已無法因應需求。據此,基於現行法的不足、業界的需求及對既有法體系的衝擊,探討我國引進有限責任合夥法制之情況,本文以經濟部委託財團法人萬國法律基金會辦理經濟部94年度「有限合夥法暨有限責任合夥法之研究委辦計畫」期末總結報告中「有限責任合夥法草案」為檢討,並以上開日本法施行的經驗為借鑑,認為我國實有建立有限責任合夥制度之必要性,俾賦予企業多元化的經營組織型態供選擇。


With the rise of none-corporation enterprise organization, the partnership organization, which is internally self-governing, flexible, and of limited liability, has developed gradually in the U.S. and U.K. This is the so-called “Limited Liability Partnership,” i.e., “LLP.” Japan has also referred to the legislation in the U.S. and U.K., thereby enforcing the Japanese Limited Liability Partnership Act in August 2005. The objective of this article is to introduce mainly the Japanese legislation about limited liability partnership, so as to know that the enterprises in Japan could choose the type of organization they would like to operate because multy-typed organizations are provided at present. The Japanese Limited Liability Parrtnership Act has been enforced for more than 5 years so far. This article also introduces its establishment situation and several main practical examples, and examines its circumstances of enforcement. By this,it could be helpful to our future legislation for the purpose of reference. Traditionally, there are only three types of enterprise organizations in our system: corporation, partnership, and sole ownership. However, in order to catch up with the trend in the world, our present enterprise organizations cannnot react to the demands in our country. Therefore, based on the insufficiency of present legislation, the trades’ demands, and the impact on legislation system, this article discusses the situation of adopting the limited liability partnership in our country. Drawing lessons from Japan, this article is assuming that it is necessary to establish the system of limited liability partnership, so as to give the enterprises the choices of multi-typed organizations for operation.




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