  • 學位論文

創新研發機構團隊衝突對團隊績效的影響 -兼論任務特性的影響

The effect of team conflicts on team performance in innovative R&D Institutes- The Effect of Task Characteristics

指導教授 : 蔡坤宏


團隊衝突牽涉領導、激勵、團隊經營、組織政治行為等議題,係組織 行為研究中之重要課題。隨著組織日趨深化專業分工,且為因應全球化之 瞬息多變的企業經營環境,非例行性任務的增加,企業在原本正式化組織 中,常利用任務編組形成任務團隊的運作模式以快速整合各項資源與專業 能力,並達成企業之績效目標。由於任務團隊成員組成來源日漸多元,價 值觀、人格特質、文化背景殊異;此外由於團隊資深的專業同仁常趨向主 導團隊運作,同一成員需同時加入不同團隊執行任務等原因,均強化團隊 衝突中任務衝突、關係衝突與過程衝突的引發,如此均對團隊效能造成影 響。團隊衝突若能有效管理,轉化阻力為助力,可消弭其對團隊效能的負 向影響。過去學者提出任務特性觀念-任務相互依賴性、任務變化性及任務 困難性,以探討任務團隊成員間的互動關係與結構,透過任務的設計以塑 造不同之任務特性,可有效降低團隊衝突中任務衝突、關係衝突與過程衝 突對團隊效能的負向影響。本研究以創新研發機構為例,採用調查法探討 組織內不同任務團隊成員在團隊衝突、任務特性與團隊效能的影響,並以 結構方程模式確證理論模型。以期瞭解如何透過任務特性之設計,有效管 理團隊衝突,以降低團隊衝突對團隊績效之不良影響。


Team conflicts include the issue of leadership, motivation,, team management, organizational politics et al and are important of organizational behavior research. Organizations are more specialized division than before for managing the various globlalization of enterprise environment that non routine tasks increase ; enterprise often use task force to build the task team for integrating resources and Professional Abilities quickly and reach the performance targets. According to team members are composed of different values , personal characteristics, and culture backgrounds; senior team members often lead the team work and join different teams to execute tasks…et al that all will strengthen task conflicts, relationship conflicts, and process conflicts happen and than influence the performance . If team conflict can be effective managed, that can reduce the negative influence to performance . Fry & Jr(1984) proposed the concept of task characteristics- task variability, task difficulty, and task interdependent to explicate the task team members interact relationship and structure. In order to realize how to through the design of task characteristics to manage team conflicts and reducing the negative effect that team conflicts to performance . This study focus on innovative R&D Institutes and takes survey method to explicate the difference team members is influence by team conflicts, task characteristics, and performance . And employs the linear structural relationship model (LISREL) to analyze the data.


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