  • 學位論文


Sentencing of Vote Buying: The Impact of Election Level and Bribery Method

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


近年來,我國在推動民主法治方面不遺餘力,惟在選舉過程中,仍無法避免賄選等弊端發生,候選人不時以金錢、招待旅遊及餐會等方式來行賄選民,賄選方式亦隨著各個時代不斷推層出新,防不甚防。再者,我國歷年來曾舉辦過無數次之選舉,其中包括基層選舉與全國性各種不同層級之選舉,各層級選舉無論在選區大小、選舉方式、當選人數及投票人數等方面各異,甚至在當選後,其權力義務也不盡相同,因此本研究將針對賄選方式與參選層級對行賄者量刑之影響進行研究,以瞭解法官量刑時考量之因素及依據。 本研究採內容分析法進行,扣除條件限制後,針對2008年1月1日至2012年12月31日近5年臺灣各地一審賄選案行賄者有罪之判決案件共157件進行編碼。分析結果發現,在主刑及從刑方面,有期徒刑宣告刑偏低、並科罰金比例偏低及緩刑比例偏高,在量刑方面,賄選方式中行賄人數及查扣金額、法定因素中刑法第57條酌量刑度、59條其情可憫及選罷法第99條自首自白減刑、非法定因素中被告身分等因素均將影響法官量刑,另外,參選層級、政黨、被告性別及當選與否等其他因素並不會影響法官量刑。 最後,本研究提出四點建議如下:(一)提高有期徒刑宣告刑,訂定緩刑標準、(二)量刑理由應明確記載、(三)每票行賄價值、查扣金額及受賄人數應列入量刑依據、(四)建立賄選行賄罪之量刑準則。


賄選 參選層級 賄選方式 量刑


In recent years, Taiwan has spared no effort to promote democracy but is still unable to avoid problems of vote buying and other defects in elections at all levels. Some candidates bribe voters with money, gifts, free vacations, free dinners and other methods, while more and more “innovative” vote-buying methods continue to develop and pse problems for law enforcement agents. Taiwan holds local and national elections at different levels. All levels of elections vary in terms of the size of constituencies, the number of the elected, the number of voters, and duties of the elected. Sentencing for the crime of vote buying is believed to be lenient. However, few empirical studies have been done to examine the factors on the sentencing in this law violation. This study hence attempted to analyze the impact of election level and bribery method on sentencing of vote buying. By using content analysis of judicial decisions, the study sampled 175 cases of bribery regarding vote buying from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2012. The results found that the average sentence and fine were lower than the statutory sentences. Most cases were sentenced to probation or parole. The analysis also indicated that the sentencing decision was significantly affected by the number of bribers and the amount of assets confiscated (Criminal Code Article 57) as well as the remorse and confession of the offenders (Election Law Article 99). Whether or not it is a local or national election, offenders’ political parties, gender, or later being elected or not have no significant impact on the sentencing. Recommendations made by this study are as follows: first courts need to standardize the basis for use of probation; secondly, judges should be required to clearly give reasons for sentence, thirdly, judges should be required to take into consideration of the value of the bribe for each vote, the amount of assets confiscated and the number of bribes in sentencing decision; finally, the appropriate authorities should establish a sentencing guideline for vote buying behavior nationwide.


vote buying election level bribery method sentencing


李怡德 ( 2010 )。我國賄選查察成敗之因素―以調查局工作為例(碩士論文)。取自http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dnclcdr&s=id=%22098NTPU0102062%22.&searchmode=basic


