  • 學位論文


Explaining the Policy Changes of Drug Addiction Treatment from 1998 to 2017: An Institutionalism Approach

指導教授 : 謝煜偉


台灣長久以來,吸毒者與其他的犯人一樣,都是被視為一般的犯人接受法院判決以及服自由刑。但自從解嚴後,國民黨政府在嚴刑峻罰已經失去正當性的環境下,開啟了一系列的制度變革,希望將病犯模式引入吸毒者處遇當中,也就是讓吸毒者除了具有犯人的身份外,同時也具有病人的身份。但是這樣的制度變革很快就遇到了重重困境,迭經變更後已經與原本的制度相去甚遠。 本文將從制度論的視角解釋、理解這段制度變遷的故事。本文首先接受了歷史制度論的視角,將吸毒者處遇制度視為不同行動者在台灣的政體框架下經過衝突、協調後的產物。另外,本文也接受了組織制度論的成果,將理念、文化與慣習視為影響組織行動者行為的重要原因。藉由論述分析、敘述統計以及推論統計,本文將檢視行政官僚、立法委員與法院三個在政策的形塑與執行等不同層面扮演重要角色的行動者是如何鬥爭、協調與執行吸毒者處遇政策的。 研究結果發現,由於病人模式自始就是一個外來、移植的制度,加上制度的執行並沒有隨著法律的變遷有相應的變化,而且又沒有足夠多的資源投入,這讓病人模式不久後就被轉化、取代。但突然增長的愛滋毒癮者讓減害療法這種醫療模式有介入的空間,不過這並沒有根本的改變吸毒者處遇制度的樣貌反而意外的造成了三四級毒品管制的緊縮。整體來說,病人模式遇到了把吸毒者當一般犯人的行政官僚、法院,產生的結果就是一個制度自我侵蝕的過程。 總結本文的研究,本文認為台灣既有刑事政策研究所提出的新自由主義刑罰、兩極化刑事政策等概念框架沒有辦法很好的把握台灣政策變遷的樣貌。相對的,台灣的刑事政策是帶著不同理念的行動者在既有的政治框架下鬥爭、協調的結果,其樣貌是一種政策拼貼而不是具有一貫性的政策設計。


Throughout the history of drug treatment policy in Taiwan, there have been two competing models of how to treat drug addicts. The first one is penalized model that takes drug addicts as criminal offenders who deserve retribution while the second one is medical model that treats drug addicts as patients with chronic disease who are in need of medical treatment. The amendment of Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act (Prevention Act) in 1998, which introduced the institutionalized and coerced medical treatment, ostensibly marked the victory of medical model for the first time in 50 years; however, the Prevention Act wobbled between penalized and medical model and underwent two times of amendments since 1998. Extant studies tend to address this phenomenon with macro theoretical framework, such as neoliberal-order or penal populism, but fail to scrutinize the process of policy change. With the theoretical lens of institutionalism, this thesis would explore the dynamics underneath this policy change, and analyze three important actors in the policy regime—policy-maker, bureaucracy and the court with qualitative and quantitative methods. My main argument is as followed: policy makers transplanted medical model in order to conform to the international standard; nevertheless, medical model failed to attain legitimacy in street-level bureaucracy. And the court, who hold the power of judicial discretion, who can determine whether the defendant to receive coerced treatment or not, detached itself from the changes in the policy regime; all these factors lead to the failure of medical model. From this case study, I will rebuke the extant studies that suggest that the criminal policy in Taiwan can be depicted as neo-liberal; rather, it is more of an expedient bricolage fraught with unintended consequence than a meticulous policy design.


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