  • 學位論文


Constructing A Police Internal Affair Risk Factor Scale: A Case Study of Taipei City Police Sub-stations

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


警察代表國家行使公權力,與民眾權益息息相關,社會大眾對警察大多期之以較嚴苛的道德規範和操守標準,當警察人員有違反風紀的情事發生時,輿論指責的壓力經常如排山倒海般而來,警察的形象也因而遭受嚴重的破壞。面對這些內在不利的因素及社會各界的壓力,警政機關須審慎思考如何改善現有考核方法,建立一套警察風紀預警系統( Early Warning System ,E.W ),本研究即試圖建立一套可行的預防警察人員違反風紀之高風險因子量表,提供主官(管)作為考核之機制,期能機先發覺潛在之高危險(違反警察風紀)員警。 本研究除了整理國內外的相關研究及我國現行考核機制,勾勒出我國現行考核機制之現況、問題,並進一步以專家腦力激盪、專家德菲法等探究臺北市派出所員警違反風紀行為的影響因素。由這些外顯行為徵候找出違反風紀之各種徵候指標,將所擬定之違反警察風紀高風險因子徵候表加以修正、確立,再經91年95年臺北市派出所員警發生違反風紀個案分析來評估其可預測違反警察風紀的準確度並賦予權重分數。 本研究之結論包括:一、警察人員違反風紀行為-包含犯罪(違法)及偏差行為(違紀)均係低自我控制之外在顯現,均具有反社會人格(antisocial personality)。二、低自我控制者平日外顯之行為,必有一些徵候指標可以觀察得到。三、警察人員平日外顯之行為徵候指標,若累積到一定的”值”(臨界風險值),即可判斷該員為高危險群者之研究假設。本研究最後歸納臺北市派出所員警違反風紀高風險因子之7大構面、56個徵候指標。 本研究並提出有助於預防臺北市派出所員警違反風紀案件發生之建議:(一)全面性檢討免除警察協辦性業務;(二)基層警察人員教育程度之提升;(三)警察人員專業素養之加強;(四)警察機關宜委外設置員警心理輔導中心;(五)警察人員理財能力之訓練;(六)注意警察人員電話使用情形;(七)加強長期擔服專案勤務人員之考核。


ABSTRACT Constructing A Police Internal Affair Risk Factor Scale: A Case Study of Taipei City Police Sub-stations by HSU, SONG-CHIA December 2007 (Month and year of commencement) ADVISOR(S):Dr. JOU, SU-SYAN DEPARTMENT:GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CRIMINOLOGY MAJOR:TAIWANESE ADOLESENT SOCIAL BEHAVIOR DEGREE:MASTER OF LAW The police are law enforcement agent and represent the state. They are required for rigorous moral codes and disciplines because their jobs involve in citizen’s rights and obligations. Hence, the public tend to have severe opinions against police integrity when they break the law or regulations. Police scandals often impair police’s image and create public distrust. Facing with those internal weakness and external pressure, the police authority needs to implement some valid measures to evaluation or early warning the possible risks. This research tried to set up a practical scale to assess the differential likelihood of police officers who have higher potential to break the law and moral codes. The research looked into related papers, theses and current police internal evaluation system in Taiwan. It depicted current evaluation status and problems, and came up with solutions by summarizing the previous transgress cases happened in police stations in Taipei City. It is the outcome of brainstorm of professionals, Delphi method and statistical analysis. The final suggested scale modified and ascertained the high-risk identification scale by apparent behaviors. Moreover, it improved and weighed the selected risk factors by examining the previous deviant cases of Taipei City police during 2002 through 2006. This research concluded that (1) the police officers who are likely to break the laws and misbehave tend to have lower self-control behaviors and antisocial personality; (2) low self control behavior can be detected by observing their apparent behaviors; (3) the more low self control behaviors appear, the higher risk to violate moral and legal codes; and (4) a scale of high-risk factors containing 7 fields and 56 indicators is designed to detect high risk police officers for early prevention. Several suggestions are made to prevent Taipei City police officers from breaking the moral and law codes: (1) re-examine the effectiveness of current police risk evaluation measures; (2) improve police officer training education; (3) continue police on-job training; (4) establish outsourced psychological consulting centers; (5) provide police officers’ personal financial managing skill courses; (6) monitor the frequency and patterns of police officers using telephones; and (7) strengthen the evaluation on long-term special task police officers which tend to highest risks in breaking the regulations.


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