  • 學位論文


A study on book collection and printing of Jiaye Library

指導教授 : 王國良


浙江吳興縣(今湖州市)嘉業堂,為中國近代著名的私家藏書樓。其以傳統典籍為主的收藏活動,肇始於二十世紀初,至三○年代達到高峰,藏書總量高達十八萬冊、六十萬卷,樓主劉承幹(1882∼1963)亦成為我國私人藏書家之巨擘。嘉業堂除以藏書宏富名聞遐邇,更繼承明清以來私家藏書樓重視刊刻古籍的優良傳統,將館藏的孤本祕籍刊布流傳,使之「為千百化身,以公諸天下後世」,不僅使前人心血得以流傳,同時有功於學術傳承。雖然,嘉業堂最終在劉氏家業中落、日本侵華與公共圖書館興起,種種原因交互影響下,由盛轉衰。但其對於典籍的保存、傳播和利用無可取代的貢獻,相信是前無古人,後無來者的。 本論文共分八章。第一章〈緒論〉,首先針對研究動機與目的、研究方法與範圍及前人研究成果之探討,作一必要的說明。第二章〈劉承幹家世、生平與交遊〉,旨在考論劉氏家世、嘉業堂主劉承幹生平及其與學者專家、藏書家之交遊狀況。第三章〈劉承幹之藏書〉,探討嘉業藏書樓的興建、劉承幹藏書積聚的經過、藏書的來源與特色、嘉業堂藏書目錄之編纂及現存書目之考證。第四章〈嘉業堂藏書流散臺灣現況〉、第五章〈嘉業堂藏書流散中國大陸及其他地區現況〉,詳述嘉業堂藏書幾次較大規模散出的經過,並對目前海內外收藏的原嘉業堂藏書進行調查,以了解嘉業堂藏書之現況。第六章〈嘉業堂之刻書事業〉,探究嘉業堂刊刻圖書之目的、所輯刻五種叢書及十六種單行本之概況與在臺灣、中國大陸及日本各圖書館收藏情形。第七章〈嘉業堂刻本之特色與後世翻印情況〉,透過嘉業堂所刻書籍之版本來源、內容、校勘及外觀,分析嘉業堂刻本之特色與後世翻印嘉業堂刻書之情況。第八章〈結論〉,就嘉業堂對於文獻之整理、保存與流傳的影響與貢獻,作整體性的總結與闡述。


藏書家 嘉業堂 劉承幹


Jiaye Library, in Zhejiang Wuxing County (now the Huzhou City), is the China's modern famous private library. Its traditional activity of collection of books was started in the early 20th century, and achieved the climax in 1930s. By then, the total collections were near 180,000 volumes and 600,000 rolls. The owner of Jiaye Library, Mr. Liu Chenggan (1882-1963AD), became the giant private collector. Jiaye Library was not only famous for its abundant book collections but for its inheritance of the Chinese tradition, spreading the knowledgeable collections to the society. It passed down the works of the ancient people and contributed to the academic tradition. However, Jiaye Library at last declined for the fall of the Liu clan, the attack of Japan, the rise of the public libraries, and other factors. Even though, its contribution to reservation, dissemination, and exploitation of literature was not deniable. This essay is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter, The Introduction, focus on the research motivation and purpose of this book, ways of research, and the discussion of the former research findings. Chapter two, Mr. Liu Chenggan’s Background, Social Life, and Fellowship, focus on the background of Liu clan, Mr. Liu Chenggan’s social life, and the interaction with the professions and book collectors in that time. Chapter three, Mr. Liu Chenggan’s Collections, discusses the buildup of Jiaye Library, the processes of collection, the resource and characteristics of collections, and criticism of the book contents and the existing books. Chapter four, The Disseminative Situation of Collections in Taiwan; chapter five, The Disseminative Situation of Collections in Mainland China and Other Areas, which introduces the several times of a large quantity of dissemination, and survey the internal and oversea collections from the original Jiaye Library. Chapter six, The Book Business of Jiaye Library, discusses the publishing purposes, the rough introduction of five kinds of serial issues and sixteen kinds of offprint, and the collection situation in libraries in Taiwan, Mainland China, and Japan. Chapter seven, The Characteristics of Original Works of Jiaye Library and the Copies Nowadays, analyzes the characteristics of the original works of Jiaye Library and the copy situations through the resources, contents, editions, and the appearances. Chapter eight, The Conclusion, overall concludes the distribution and influences of document coordination, reservation, and dissemination of Jiaye Library.


北京 書目文獻出版社 1990年6月
普林斯頓大學葛斯德東方圖書館中文善本書志 屈萬里撰 台北
續修四庫全書總目提要(稿本) 中國科學院圖書館編 濟南 齊魯書社
宋會要輯稿研究 王雲海 河南師大學報編輯部 1984年3月
鄭振鐸與嘉業堂 李性忠 圖書館工作與研究 2001年第1期 2001年1月



