  • 學位論文


A Study of "Dong Kang's Journal of Trip to Japan"

指導教授 : 王國良


董康(1867-1948),原名壽金,字綬經,江蘇武進人,為清末民初法學大家,亦善於版本、目錄學。1926年末,因得罪軍閥孫傳芳遭通緝,冒名大東書局老闆沈駿聲弟沈玉聲之名號東渡日本。在日期間,走訪京都與東京各公私藏書地與古書鋪,見聞記載於其東遊日記《書舶庸譚》之中。《書舶庸譚》於1928年曾出版家刻四卷本,而董康後又赴日本三次,董氏將後三次之記錄綴連其後,都成九卷,於1940年出版,故《書舶庸譚》一書實有四卷本與九卷本傳世。   《書舶庸譚》為董康在日活動之日記,包括日常記事與訪書紀錄兩部分。本文擬分析其日記內容,以了解董康於文獻學方面的訪求成果。本論文共分七章:第一章緒論,首先討論本論文之研究動機與目的、研究範疇與方法以及前人研究成果;第二章分作三節,爬梳董康生平、交遊與其著述;第三章探討《書舶庸譚》之成書過程、版本內容以及四卷本與九卷本的差異,為進入研究《書舶庸譚》奠定基礎;第四章整理《書舶庸譚》日記文本內容,分為抒懷、時事與軼事三類;第五章則是針對《書舶庸譚》對於古籍文獻的記載,透過體例與文獻內容的分析,以明《書舶庸譚》作為訪書記的著錄成果;第六章則是透過前文的研究,整理《書舶庸譚》一書所錄文獻之價值所在;第七章結論,總結全文,進一步歸納董康透過《書舶庸譚》所透顯的文獻學成就。


Dong Kang (1867-1948) was born in Jiangsu Wujing. He was a late Qin and early Republic’s jurist and a famous bibliographer. He was promulgated an order for the arrest by offending the warlord Sun Chuan Fang in 1926. So he must go under someone else's name to flee from home to Japan. When he was in Japan, he went to lots of the public libraries, private libraries and ancient books’ shops. He wrote what he read and his activities into the journal named “Shu Bo Yong Tan”. “Shu Bo Yong Tan ”was published by himself in 1928. And then, he went to Japan three times in 1933-1934, 1935, and1936. He also let the rest journal to combine with the earlier one, and published it in 1940. So we can see his journal to Japan which had four volumes and nine volumes. “Shu Bo Yong Tan” includes Dong Kang’s diary and the process of his Book-seeking. The main content of this paper is divided into seven chapters: Chapter 1: The motivation demarcates and research review of this thesis. Chapter 2: Dong Kang’s life, friends, and the books he written. Chapter 3: The writing background of “Shu Bo Yong Tan” includes the process of its publishing and the different between its two editions. Chapter 4: To analyze the diary part of the book. Chapter 5: To analyze the documents part of the book. Chapter 6: To generalize the bibliography’s value of the book. Chapter 7: To summarize this paper, and manifest the achievements of Dong Kang.


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