  • 學位論文


An Evaluation of the Multi-star Project in Taiwan’s College Entrance System: From the Perspective of Social Justice

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


教育是國家立命根基,為改革國內教育政策又必須走向調整的步伐,大學多元入學方案實施多年以來,己就升學管道多所調整,而其中最新從96學年開始實行的繁星計劃,是為平衡區域發展、照顧弱勢偏鄉的優質學生及實施高中職社區化為主要目的的一項升學管道,因為關係到教育資源的分配,故緣用John Rowls的正義論,希望就評估的角度,就程序面及結果面作分析,以研究其與公平正義的關係為何及什麼樣的教育政策最符合John Rowls的正義論的價值意涵,以造福更多學子。 本研究首先針對繁星計畫的實施緣由及正義論的內涵作分析,採用質化分析方法,主要以繁星計畫實施的程序的公平性及結果的公平性作為主要兩大構面,在程序面是以六項實施過程的問題所組成,在結果面是綜合其實施二個學年度以來教育部政策及大學招生簡章的主要三個目標,再各提出相關問題,設計出半開放式的問題大綱,針對相關利害關係人作深度訪談分析。由於這項政策是目前社會大


Due to the importance of education in our nation’s development, our government has been trying to reform some of the key educational policies in our college entrance system. Ever since the inception of the College Multiple Entrance Program, the government has expanded the channels through which high school graduates can enter their favorite colleges. Among the various methods, the Multi-star Project initiated in 2007 has aroused the most public concern. The project intends to balance the development in different regions, give more opportunities to the elite students in the underdeveloped areas, and lay the basis for the establishment of more community high schools and vocational schools in the future. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effects of the Multi-star Project. The author intends to find out whether the program meets the standard of social justice which it claims. As the whole program is closely connected to the distribution of educational resources, I use John Rowls’ Theory of Justice to judge whether the program has achieved its goal. The analysis has been done at two levels, namely, the process level and the result level. Furthermore, I have explored how an educational policy can best conform to the value of John Rowls’ theory so that more students can benefit from the education system. In the first part of the research, I have depicted the origin of the Multi-star Project and its main content. Then, I have analyzed the key elements of John Rowls’ Theory of Justice. As to the core of the study, I have adopted qualitative approach to analyze the two major questions: whether both the process and the result of the program meet the requirement for equality, which is vital to the success of the whole program. At the process level, I have raised six issues related to the implementation of the program; at the result level, I have designed some semi-open outlines and specific questions to evaluate whether the three objectives claimed by the Ministry of Education and stated in the College Admission Guidelines have been achieved. For this, in-depth interviews with some stake-holders who are closely related to the program have been conducted. In addition, as this program has aroused the concern of the general public, I have collected the reports and commentaries in local newspapers, on the Internet, and from other media and used some of their contents to help design the questions and evaluation of this research. Through the study of both the process and the result levels, we have a clear understanding of whether John Rowls’ perceptions are suitable to our country’s education system and thus should--or should not--be adopted by our educational authorities. We also have a clear picture as to whether the ideas of the scholar who raised the issue has been included in the program and whether the aspirations of Tsing-hua University--which initiated the program—and the Ministry of Education and some other experts have been realized. Furthermore, in this paper, I also make some suggestions about the Multi-star Project, hoping they will help to find the common ground for the students involved, the high schools in Taiwan’s underdeveloped areas, the parents, the colleges, and the Ministry of Education. I hope that in a few years there will be more scholars and students throwing themselves into the research of the project, especially in the area of the project’s effects. It is this author’s sincere hope that our students won’t become the “guinea pigs” in the experiment.


Management原著,《縱橫四海Leading Beyond the Walls》。
Posavac / Carey原著,臺北市,雙葉書廊。


