  • 學位論文


A Study on Correlation Between Identification with Parents and Deviant Behaviors Among Elementary School Students of Fifth and Sixth Grades.

指導教授 : 許春金教授


國小高年級學童是剛邁入青春期的孩子,亟需身邊之人給予肯定。而父母是從小的陪伴者也是關係最親密的人,如果能從父母方面得到對自我的接納與肯定,感受到父母給予關愛進而建立穩定的認同感;反之如果父母無法提供適當的管教與愛,孩子就無法由父母方面得到對自我的接納與肯定,於是便會以不同型式的偏差行為尋求同儕團體的認同。因此孩童對父母的認同感能協助其發展健全的自我。 本研究旨在探討父母認同感與國小高年級學童偏差行為的關聯性,樣本以北部公立國小五、六年級的學生(基隆市、台北市、新北市、桃園市)為研究對象,並以班級為單位共抽樣23個班603位學童為研究樣本。研究結果發現: 一、「性別」變項在教養方式、認同感、依附關係和偏差行為有顯著差異。 (一)父母親對於女性學童的管教約束高於男性學童。 (二)女性學童對於父母親的認同感和依附關係也高於男性學童。 (三)男生偏差行為的平均數高於女生。 二、父母教養方式、依附關係和學童對於父母的認同感亦呈現正相關。 三、父母親的教養方式、依附關係、學童對父母之認同感與偏差行為呈現負相關。 四、由研究結果得知學童對於父母親的認同感均可直接或間接對於偏差行為產生 預測力。 根據研究結果提出以下建議: 一、父母應有正確的價值觀以作為孩子的學習典範。 二、父母應採取「開明權威」式教育與孩童進行雙向溝通。 三、教養子女是父母的責任,不可將責任推給長輩。 四、建立健全的親子關係。 五、培養正當的休閒娛樂,增加親子相處的時間。 六、相關單位辦理父母成長團體,協助家長建立正確的教養觀念。 關鍵字:國小高年級學童、認同感、教養方式、依附關係、偏差行為


Children in fifth or sixth grade in elementary school are started to be in adolescence, and they need support from people around them. Their parents accompany for a long time, and they have a special bond with their kids. If children can be self-admitted and be affirmed by their parents to feel the care from their parents, they can build strong identification. Oppositely, if parents can’t teach and love their kids properly, their kids can’t be self-admitted and be affirmed by their parents. Consequently, children will seek to identification from their friends by misbehaviors in different ways. So children’s identification to their parents can help them construct their perfect ego. This thesis is mainly research the association between identification of parents and misbehaviors of children in fifth or sixth grade in elementary school. The object of this research includes students in the elementary school in north Taiwan (Keelung city, Taipei city, New Taipei City, and Taoyuan city), then take the class as unit of the research and get 23 classes, namely 603 children, as the sample of the research. This research tells that: 1. The factor of gender shows significant difference in the way to discipline, identification, relation of dependence, and misbehavior. 1-1 Parents discipline girl stricter than they do to boys. 1-2 Girl’s identification and dependence of relation from their parents are higher than boy’s. 1-3 Boy’s average misbehavior is higher than girl’s. 2. The factor of the way to discipline and relation of dependence show significant difference in identification. 3. The way to discipline from parents, relation of dependence between parents and kids, children’s identification to their parents are negative-correlated to misbehaviors. 4. According to this research, children’s identification to their parents can predict misbehaviors of children directly or indirectly. The suggestion according to the result of the research: 1. Parents should have correct values to be a model of children to learn. 2. Parents should give open-minded and authoritative discipline and communicate with children mutually. 3. Parents should be responsible to discipline children. Don’t shift responsibility on to other elders. 4. Establish sound relation between parents and children. 5. Cultivate proper entertainment, and spend much time to get along with children. 6. Governments should build organization to help parents establish correct concept to discipline children. Keywords: children in fifth years or sixth years in elementary school, identification, the way to discipline, relation of dependence, misbehavior


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