  • 學位論文


The Allocation of Liability between Employers in the Dispatched Employment by the Theory of Civil Law

指導教授 : 郭玲惠


企業為了精簡人事成本以提升競爭力,勞動派遣此種兼具有彈性和靈活的新興勞動關係型態逐 漸受到企業的青睞,彌補了傳統勞動關係的不足,惟勞動派遣基於其存有複雜的三方當事人關係, 其中最關鍵的問題在於雇主責任如何合理分配,該問題的產生源自於勞動派遣最主要的特徵即「僱 用」與「使用」分離:派遣勞工簽訂勞動派遣契約的對象與提供勞務之對象分別為派遣事業單位與要 派單位,派遣事業單位乃派遣勞工法律上的雇主,但實際上派遣勞工受要派單位之指揮監督,兩者關 係密切,要派單位應如何與派遣事業單位分配雇主責任,避免要派單位利用勞動派遣的特殊結構規避 雇主責任或是與派遣事業單位互相推諉卸責的情況發生,嚴重侵蝕勞動者的權益。 是以,本文嘗試以勞動部於民國103年2月送行政院審查版的派遣勞工保護法草案為基礎,將針 對草案中:性別歧視、性騷擾防治、就業歧視、工作時間、休息、休假、女工等、工資、職業災害補 償,以及草案中漏未規定的職業安全衛生事項,以民事法理論檢討雇主責任之分配。在諸多民事法責 任類型中,僅擇取草案中涉及雇主責任類型:「共同責任」、「保證責任」、「連帶責任」三種,詳細介 紹各種責任類型的定義及效力;在比較法上,介紹美國與大陸兩國勞動派遣法制中有關雇主責任之分 配;探討勞動派遣概論並釐清派遣事業單位、要派單位與派遣勞工三者之間權利義務關係,討論要派 單位與派遣事業單位應負何種責任類型較為妥適,藉以釐清雇主責任之歸屬,並提出本文研究心得和 結論,期許未來有朝一日我國針對勞動派遣欲設立專法時,能提供實用的修法建議,保障派遣勞工的 勞動權益。


The enterprises save labor cost in order to compete with others and began using the dispatched employment which is an atypical employment. So-called the dispatched employment, a dispatch company sign labor contract with the worker, the worker agree to maintain the labor contract, a dispatch company dispatches the worker who is under the control and supervision of user firm and pay for the service to user firm, and there is no labor contract relationship exists between the worker and user firm. A dispatch company is the employer of the dispatched employment by the law, but the worker actually provides services for user firm. The dispatched employment is a complex tripartite relationship which has the characteristic of "employment" and "use" of separation. A variety of legal disputes derive from the dispatched employment, but how to allocate liability between employers in the dispatched employment and make sure user firm assume employer liability is the most important issue. The author try to put forward amendments on the basis of the Ministry of Labor against 103 in February Announcement of " the draft of The Protection For Dispatched Workers " in Taiwan, inclusive of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, employment discrimination, the working hours, rest, leave, women workers, wage ,compensation of occupational accidents, and occupational safety and health. The thesis will analyze the allocation of liability between employers in the dispatched employment by the theory of civil law. By studying and analyzing the definition and the effect of joint liability, joint and several liability, and guarantee liability, and supplementing by United States law and Mainland China law, and clarify the rights and obligations in the tripartite dispatched employment, the thesis try to provide certain thoughts and recommendations and wish this thesis will provide the references to deal with the problem of the allocation of liability between employers in the dispatched employment and protect the rights and interests of labors in the future in Taiwan.


邱駿彥,勞動派遣法律關係若干疑義之考察,臺北大學法學論叢,第60期,2006 年12月。
