  • 學位論文


The Sustainability of Industrial Cluster on Cultural Creative Industry-A Case Study of Woodencarving Industry in San-Yi

指導教授 : 周志龍


文化創意產業近年來已成為我國所推廣的重要產業之一,政府期盼能夠將藝術創作與商業發展結合,創造出具本土特色的產品,並且提升民眾對於文化的認同,以及產業的附加價值。三義木雕產業則屬於工藝產業,因當地特有的自然環境與產業資源,以及三義木雕博物館的設立,使得當地的木雕蓬勃發展,並在台灣木雕產業中佔有一席之地。隨著名氣與市場的開拓,陸陸續續吸引許多木雕人才的進駐,形塑出木雕產業之群聚。 而本研究將藉由質性個案研究方法,並且嘗試以文化創意產業群聚永續性作為分析架構。首先,將藉由文獻資料整理來探討三義木雕產業群聚之發展歷程,接著,再配合實地現勘,分析三義木雕產業之現況空間分布。再者,藉由深度訪談,了解三義木雕產業中各個行動者彼此之間的互動關係,分析出現今三義木雕產業群聚中的創作氛圍,以及檢視三義木雕產業群聚之文化、經濟與社會等三個面向其正負面的永續性發展。最後,再針對研究成果提出發展策略建議,供政府等相關部門後續計畫擬定之參考。 研究結論得出,因木雕創作之聲響所產生的外部成本關係,使得當地木雕師正逐漸將其工作室搬遷至較偏遠或是較少人居住的社區,而主要群聚的地區─水美街,近 年來開始有許多多元藝術型態的店家進駐,如畫廊、陶瓷、石雕等等,可以明顯看出三義木雕產業之群聚正逐漸轉型為多元的藝術群聚。三義木雕協會與木雕博物館現今扮演著協助三義木雕產業發展的重要角色,主要帶領著木雕師傅突破現況,嘗試學習多元藝術,進而提升木雕師之創意能量。而在文化、經濟與社會永續性分析結果當中,可得知目前三義之木雕師傅彼此間的互動關係頻繁,刺激著個人的創新學習,但在與當地其他社群之間的互動則較少,使得兩者之間缺乏瞭解,無法增加當地社會對於木雕創作之包容與認同,進而無法消弭彼此生活品質衝突之對立。然而,與中國木雕的關係,雖近年來經濟衝擊已不如以往地大,但近年來浙江東陽市木雕群聚的形塑日趨完整,必須未來長期觀察其發展,才能真正了解實際對於三義木雕產業之正負面影響。


Recently,cultural creative industry has become one of promoting industries in Taiwan. Gorvenment hopes it is able to combine artistic creation with business to create locally characteristic products,and promote people's cultural identity and the added value of industry. Woodencarving industry in San-Yi belongs to the craft industry. Woodencarving industry has flourished in San-Yi because of local unique natural environment,industrial resources and establishment of San-Yi Wood Sculpture Museum. And it takes its place in the woodcarving industry in Taiwan.With the reputation and market development, it gradually attracted many woodcarving talent stationed,and formed woodcarving industrial cluster. We tried to use the case study research in qualitative research method and the theory of the sustainability of cultural creative industrial cluster to research. First,we analyzed the literature to realize the development process of woodencarving industry in San-Yi. Then,we used field research to analyze now spatial distribution about woodencarving industry in San-Yi. Next,we used depth interview to realize the interaction of each actor to analyze the creative milieu ,and to survey the sustainability of San-Yi's woodencarving industry. Finally,we provide the Government and other relevant departments proposals of development strategy according to the research result. In the research result, some local woodcarving talent is moving their studio to the suburbs or the community where fewer people live in because of the external cost about sounds of woodencarving creation. And there are more multiple artistic store in the major cluster region─Shueimei Street in recent years. For example, gallery,ceramics ,stone carving.We can clearly find woodencarving industrial cluster in San-Yi is gradually turning into multiple artistic cluster. San-Yi woodencarving association and San-Yi Wood Sculpture Museum play important roles in promoting the development of woodencarving industry in San-Yi.They lead the woodcarving talent to overcome the present situation and encourage them to learn different art in order to promote their creative energy. In the results of analysis about the cultural, economic and social sustainability ,we can understand the woodcarving talent have frequent interactions with each other. It can inspire them to promote their innovation learning. But the woodcarving talent has fewer interactions with other people,it make they lack of understanding each other and can't promote local identification for woodencarving,and then it's unable to eliminate the conflict of each other opposing life quality . However,we realized there are less economic impact of China's woodcarving on woodencarving industry in San-Yi now. But,there is a woodencarving cluster in Dongyang city in Zhejiang. It needs to observe its development for the long time in the future to totally realize how it affects woodencarving industry in San-Yi.


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