  • 學位論文

清潔類美妝產品環境標誌與宣告 之管理議題探討

Life Cycle Inventory Analysis and Environmental Footprints for Skin- Care and Cosmetic Products

指導教授 : 李育明


聯合國1992年在巴西里約宣言中推動永續發展,台灣於同年開始推行環保標章制度,環保署公布2010年起鼓勵自願性廠商主動揭露標的產品的碳排量,而美妝產品具產品生命週期短、使用量大之特性,便於政策落實環境標誌並於短時間內評估績效。 本研究彙整國際ISO 14020系列標準與環保署環境標誌之分類,對照國內外美妝產品碳足跡盤查案例、環保署官方核准之碳足跡產品類別規則(CFP-PCR)與國際上之一般性產品類別規則之差別,將CFP-PCR生命週期流程圖重新繪製、並設計半結構訪談問卷,依消費者、生產者、專家學者與通路商等意見彙整深度訪談結果。便於研擬管理政策,以XMind繪製利害關係人概念圖,整理訪談內容,最終為通篇結論與建議,建議政策執行之四步驟如下: 一、 短期內結合二階通路商的資源,設置國內環境保護產品專區,提高消費者的採購方便性與環保產品曝光率; 二、 規範廠商漂綠的綠色宣傳、激發消費者對環境保護的潛在動機,強化消費者對環境標誌績效與企業社會責任之間的觀念連結; 三、 強化消費者的專業程度避免行銷宣傳方式不當產生的認知衝突; 四、 長期間廠商建立對社會的責任感、消費者持續關注環保訴求、建立檢討與監督機制,達成政策績效。


Along with the concept - life cycle analysis, various environmental footprints and government permits carbon label and green marks are used as indices to boost the value of cosmetic products. This paper focus on calculating the carbon footprint of cosmetic products based on the international standards PAS2050 and ISO14067. In 2008, the Taiwanese government established "Carbon Footprint of Products and Services Guidelines", written on the basis of PAS 2050 and ISO14067 of the United Kingdom Standards Institute. The guidelines cover using the concept of life cycle analysis to calculate carbon emissions for each stage of production and service with the data of scope definition and reduction of carbon dioxide. From 2011, the cosmetics industry has been accredited with PAS2060, a carbon neutral specifications certificate. Because of changes in the global climate, the amount of GHG emissions became very important. Moreover, after the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, the term “carbon footprint” was promoted globally. Until now, the green mark and regulation was very complex which made consumers confused and decreased the reputation of the company. Since 2008 to 2013, the Taiwanese government has been promoting from carbon label to carbon neutral. There is still limited usage in the cosmetics industry, mostly dish washing cleaners. Being a「low-carbon business」means working with suppliers and consumers to reduce emissions across the supply chain. If the corporations would implement this concept to various types of the cosmetics products, exposing the environmental information of products, then consumers would know carbon emissions in each stage of the cosmetic products, and furthermore the industry can cut down costs and improve profits by analyzing every stage’s emissions. Through this process, the value of green products should be enhanced. By life cycle analysis, setting the standards to measure, communicate the life-cycle GHG impacts of goods & services, working with companies directly on test projects and testing carbon reduction label to make the Taiwanese cosmetics new vision.


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