  • 學位論文

產品環境足跡盤查與組織溫室氣體減量管理 -以半導體廠為例

Product Environmental Footprint and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Management -- Case Study of a Wafer Fabrication Plant

指導教授 : 李育明


近年來隨著國際環保公約組織、歐盟環保指令愈趨嚴格,全球產業對於環保規範已日趨重視。因此,對於以外銷出口為導向的我國產業而言,如何在能兼顧永續發展(Sustainable Development)與經營之目標下,提升產品本身之綠色競爭力,實為各企業之重要議題。環境足跡(Environmental Footprint)係評估產品對環境影響的計量指標,並藉著該參數以衡量產品綠色競爭力,目前為國際各企業及組織廣泛應用。 本研究以半導體產業12吋晶圓廠為例,引用相關產品類別規則,進行產品環境足跡盤查與組織溫室氣體減量管理之研究。盤查產品水足跡(Water Footprint)、產品碳足跡(Carbon Footprint)與組織溫室氣體排放等三項指標。本研究更進一步對案例公司之能源使用現況進行分析,並利用ISO 50001國際標準,建置案例公司能源管理系統,以探討其溫室氣體減量之潛力及提升能源使用效率。 根據本研究盤查結果,案例公司產品水足跡為每片晶圓3.038 m3、產品碳足跡為每片晶圓55.015 kg-CO2e。案例公司組織溫室氣體排放共計7.08E+05公噸CO2e。若將案例公司所有使用之能源依其熱值轉換,則電力能源占比為最高,達71%。而所有能源中,以電力使用所占之溫室氣體排放為最高,約為62.8%。預估藉由本研究研擬之能源管理架構,並以PDCA持續改善循環為基礎,企業能將節能減碳納入生產決策之中,以達成提升產品綠色競爭力、企業永續經營之目標。 關鍵詞:環境足跡、產品類別規則、溫室氣體減量、能源管理、永續發展


In the past few years, political actions gain public attention to climate change issues and bring the carbon footprint into spotlight. According to British Standards Institute, Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services, PAS 2050 and ISO / DIS 14067, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration announcement “Carbon Footprint of Products and Services Guidelines in 2008”. In this guideline, the industry has a unified standardization include scope definition, reduction of carbon dioxide, which can count environment data. Life circle analysis count carbon emissions by each emission for all stages of a product and services cycle which from material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling. Furthermore, industry can cut down costs and improve profits by analysis every stages of emissions. This study is based on inventory product environmental footprint include product carbon footprint and water footprint. Also focus on system planning and promoting structure via the use of a case research discussing methods to reduce GHG emission within a wafer fabrication to the level in which is in accordance to green sustainable GHG reduction standards. Using the module PDCA continuous development from the ISO 5001 as its foundation, it will assist in effectively identifying and deal with the management methodologies of green sustainable wafer fabrication issue. The results analyzed from this case study has shown the product water footprint in 12 inch wafer fabrication is 3.038 m3/wafer and as for the product carbon footprint, is 41.015 kg-CO2e/wafer (TAR) or 55.015 kg-CO2e/wafer (AR5) in 12 inch wafer fabrication. Hence from the results of this case study, it shows that from the synergy of management methodologies improve the electrical energy reserve and GHG emission reduction. Therefore, by establishing the promoting structure in the wafer fabrication, this will achieve the goal to enhance wafer fabrication environment. Keywords: Environmental Footprint, Energy Management, GHG reduction, Product Category Rules, Green Sustainable Industry.


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