  • 學位論文


The Parenthood on Artificial Reproduction in Same-Sex Family

指導教授 : 徐慧怡


自美國聯邦最高法院於西元2015年6月26日判決婚姻防衛法違反聯邦憲法之規定,使同性婚姻於美國全面合法化後,鼓舞各國之同性伴侶更積極地爭取結婚之權利。然無論同性婚姻是否合法,有越來越多之未成年子女於同性家庭中成長,乃不爭之事實。 美國早自西元1991年開始,即有學者主張,不論有意為父母者之性別、性傾向或婚姻狀態為何,應使所有人工生殖子女皆受到法規範之保障。反觀我國,因人工生殖法以合於民法規定之夫妻作為施作人工生殖之主體,代孕人工生殖亦未合法通過,故單身女性與同性伴侶均不能透過合法之人工生殖,依法成為人工生殖子女之父母。惟於實際生活中,女同性伴侶採取「DIY自助受孕」方式懷胎生子,或是同性伴侶遠赴國外尋求代理孕母協助懷孕,再將子女帶回國內共同養育之情形,時有所聞。因此,同性家庭透過人工生殖所生育子女之親子關係應如何認定,即成為重要議題。雖然依據伴侶盟提出之「婚姻平權草案」民法第1063條第1項規定,「配偶之受胎,係在婚姻關係存續中者,推定其所生子女為婚生子女」,似認定同性配偶所生之子女,即可推定為兩人之婚生子女;惟直接修訂條文內性別用語之方式是否妥適,值得討論。 因我國之同性伴侶尚無法締結婚姻關係,亦無法依據人工生殖法之規定,使無血緣聯繫之他方同性伴侶與人工生殖子女建立親子關係,故須借鏡外國之立法例與法院判決。其中,美國同性伴侶對於實施人工生殖所生子女親子關係之爭取已超過30多年,無論同性婚姻是否被承認,法院對於同性伴侶成為父母之權益與子女最佳利益應如何權衡,各州有不同之見解,得作為於不同之立法模式下,認定同性家庭中人工生殖子女親子關係之主要參考依據。 本文對於同性家庭人工生殖子女親子關係之研究,先以「親子關係之確定」,探討家庭與婚姻制度間之連結,以及介紹我國及美國傳統之親子法原則與人工生殖法之親子法原則。其次,簡要介紹美國同性婚姻與伴侶制度之發展,並以各州承認同性婚姻與伴侶制度之時間為區分基準,歸納及討論各州判決之反對及贊成具有親子關係之理由。再進一步介紹國內同性伴侶實施人工生殖之現狀,以及在我國現行法規定與多元成家草案下,同性伴侶實施人工生殖所生育子女之親子關係。最後綜合前述討論,評析我國如何於符合子女最佳利益之情形下,如何借鏡美國同性家庭人工生殖子女親子關係之發展,以保障同性家庭人工生殖子女之權益。


Same-sex marriage has been legal nationwide in the United States of America since June 26, 2015, when the U. S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that Defense of Marriage Act ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. It encourages same-sex couples in other countries more actively to fight for the right of marriage. Whether same-sex marriage is accepted or not, children raised by same-sex families are increasing. American scholars began to advocate that rules of intention-based assisted reproductive technologies (“ART”) should be equally applied to all people, regardless the gender, sexual orientation, or marital status of the intended parents since 1991. However, in current Taiwan’s Artificial Reproduction Act, single women as well as same-sex couples are not allowed to receive treatments for ART, and no services for gestational surrogacy are allowed. The prohibition on unmarried persons have lead lesbians in Taiwan to practice “do-it-yourself” insemination and caused gays seek surrogates from the other countries. As a result, identifying the parenthood on artificial reproduction in same-sex family is a significant issue. Besides, according to the draft provided by the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (“TAPCPR”), legal parenthood is presumed as long as the child is conceived during the marriage. It is a well-considered issue of the appropriateness of amendment using gender neutral phraseology in the Taiwan Civil Code. This study begins with the introduction of “the parenthood in both legal systems of Taiwan and the US”, and the link between marriage and family system. Second, introduces the development of same-sex marriage and partnership system in U.S., and summarizes the reasoning of the cases for the parenthood on artificial reproduction in the US’s same-sex family. Third, illustrates “the parenthood on artificial reproduction in Taiwan’s same-sex family”, including but not limited to rule of laws, TAPCPR’s proposed draft, and online newsletters. Finally, evaluates the best interest of child in related issues for parenthood on artificial reproduction, and suggests the possible protection for children.


5. 江崇源,美國加州同性伴侶法制之發展:以2003年「家庭伴侶權利與責任法」為論述重心,東海大學法學研究,第29期,2008年12月。
6. 江崇源,論美國紐澤西州同性伴侶法制之發展:以2004年「家庭伴侶法」及2007年「公民結合法」為研究重心,國立中正大學法學集刊,第28期,2010年1月。
7. 江崇源,美國佛蒙特州同性伴侶法制之發展:以2000年「公民結合法」及2009年「婚姻平等法」為論述重心,東海大學法學研究,第38期,2012年12月。
8. 李震山,憲法意義下之「家庭權」,國立中正大學法學集刊,第16期,2004年7月。
11. 邱玟惠,人工生殖子女親子法制之檢討與修法建議,臺大法學論叢,第38卷第3期,2009年9月。


