  • 學位論文


The Research on Working Time of Crew Members in Civil Aviation

指導教授 : 郭玲惠


近年航空業蓬勃發展,但是同時也發生不少嚴重之公安意外,空勤組員之勞動條件又重新受到重視,所以促發本文的研究。並且隨著對於航空業工作內容之認識,發現不僅僅是航空業,整體運輸業勞工之工作特性與勞動條件與工作特性均有別於一般勞工,應該如何提供符合工作特性又合理之勞動條件為本次研究所希望解決之問題。 為了解與分析空勤組員之工作時間,本文參考勞動基準法與航空器飛航作業管理規則之規範內容、與空勤組員相關之法院判決、國內學者文獻與相關論文之文獻回顧,以及比較外國空勤組員所適用之工時規定綜合分析與解釋空勤組員工作時間之認定標準與工時制度之建立。 關於本文之研究架構,第一段先從空勤組員之現況與工作特性來認識空勤組員之勞動條件與環境;第二段則對於空勤組員之工作時間認定標準與爭議,分別從空勤組員適用飛航管理規則之勤務類型,勞基法對於工作時間認定之標準,最後解釋與分析空勤組員各種勤務類型中那些為工作時間,那些非工作時間;第三段再以前段所推導出之結論,討論空勤組員適用飛航管理規則與勞基法各種時間管理規範上之限制與疑義,先介紹空勤組員勞動契約適用勞基法會出現之爭議,接著分別介紹飛航管理規則與勞基法之限制內容,進而解釋分析飛航管理規則與勞基法之適用關係;第四段則是比較外國法,分別以日本對於工作時間之認定標準及日本籍航空公司空勤組員適用日本勞基法之工時制度類型,加以比較我國空勤組員工時認定與適用一般法定工時制度或變形工時制度之困難性。接著介紹歐盟與英國針對空勤組員工作時間之相關規範,以分析空勤組員工時制度之規範態樣,以供我國適用勞基法第84條之1規定時,可為工時指引之參考;最後透過前述各項之分析,回歸自空勤組員勞動條件之建構,先檢討目前我國中央及地方主管機關基於審查空勤組員適用勞基法第84條之1約定書而提出之相關工時指引,解構目前空勤組員對於勞動條件之需求,提出較適合目前空勤組員之工時條件。 研究結果部分,本文認為增加空勤組員收入與減輕工作負擔之觀點,不應執著於每日含延長工時不得超過12小時之限制,因工時限制會造成壓縮可執行飛航任務之時間與增加外站停留時間造成無法增加收入或減緩空勤組員每日工作之疲勞累積,所以應從增加飛航任務之派遣人數方面著手,可透過飛航管理規第188條之修正來增加最低派遣人數之標準,因為人力充足而降低飛航中工作密度,即便是較長之飛航任務亦能維持高效率之勞動品質。另外對於休假制度之落實,休假以金錢補償是目前休假制度碰到最大之問題,所以如果適用勞基法第84條之1時,主管機關應對於休假之實施標準與安排有更嚴謹審查標準。


On 2014-2015, the TransAsia Airways plane was crashed twice in Taiwan. We need to regard to work conditions of crew members in civil aviation. The working conditions of crew member keep under control by Aircraft Flight Operation Regulations (AOR) and Labor Standards Act, and crew member may arrange their own working hours, regular days off, national holidays and female workers' night work through other agreements with their employers by Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Act. The aim of this article intends to analyze crew members’ working time by the judgment and the literature. There are two point of contention, first that definition of working time is not clear, and the definition of crew members’ working time is conflicted; another that some of crew member’s work schedule would break the standard of working conditions by Labor Standards Act, but be legal to AOR. Which one is right of way? Maybe crew members arrange their own working conditions by Article 84-1 of Labor Standards Act, they could fix the second contention. But Article 84-1 of Labor Standards Act not subject to the restrictions imposed by Articles 30, 32, 36, 37 and 49 of the Act, and just not be detrimental to the health and well-being of the workers. The definition of the health and well-being of the workers is not clear. About those contentions, firstly, this article had collated the court decisions and the Act that the definition of crew members’ working time, and the confliction on whether the standby time shall be counted as working time. By induction of the literature, a period of time shall be regard as working time that the crew members had been under his or her employer’s control on standby time. Secondly, the mechanism of working time suitable for crew members in civil aviation, the confliction on whether crew members are limited on 12 working hours (containing overtime work) daily. By comparing the Act in Japan that force on the limit of working time for every month or every year, and in EU that set up the mechanism of crew members’ leaves. The work schedule daily keeps under control by AOR in those countries. So we may not remain committed to the limit of working hours daily, and trying to set up the mechanism of working time by Act that is more flexible. The work conditions of crew members in civil aviation are improved to correct the AOR about the minimum members of dispatch on fight time and set up the mechanism of crew members’ leaves by Act.


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