  • 學位論文


The Research on Jay-fu Shen and His 《Ji Lu Hui Bian》

指導教授 : 劉寧慧


所謂「紀錄」的本意是記載明代的史事為主;「彙編」的原意,則是纂輯匯集以史籍為特色的文獻資料。沈節甫的《紀錄彙編》為一部以明人撰著的史籍為主的叢書,對於過去不易見的書,而今卻能讓流傳於世,這部叢書的編纂功勞實不可掩沒。最大的貢獻是對史部的搜集殘籍,而且對於補志、補表、輯佚等方面的作用更大。沈節甫能編纂這部叢書,是希望能與正史相互正訛。而目前所見的唯一傳本,是陳于廷在萬曆四十五年刊刻與刊印。主要的目的是實踐他的史學理念,是在明代叢書迅速發展與明人對於正史的失誣的觀感下,希望透過私人的修史以正視聽,同時也宣揚自己的對當朝史的看法。 在明代中期,越地逐漸出現了一批實力雄厚,在全國都有影響的藏書家,如茅坤、沈節甫、項元汴、范欽、豐坊、范翼、胡應麟等人。 從這些資料中可以知道,沈節甫在明代藏書史、刻書史上是不容忽視。所以這部叢書的外在形式、文獻的內容上皆有雕版精良,校勘精審、並具有史學的學術價值。本文分為兩大編:一是沈節甫的生平資料、明代叢書的發展與《紀錄彙編》刊刻的情況、史學思想,主要是藉此敘述了刊刻的外在因素通常是與圖書刊刻有所影響。二是進行其所收錄書目的刻書考。 一、上篇:沈節甫與《紀錄彙編》之編刻 (一)沈節甫生平、交遊與著作 沈節甫是耕讀傳家,祖父、曾祖有被薦舉的事蹟。所以沈節甫家學淵源的背景,才能塑造出博古通今的學問。主要是推崇理學的道統說,而孤辟的性情造成他隱逸僻世的行為,這些都可能影響他編輯《紀錄彙編》的主要依據與源流。 (二)沈節甫的刻書背景 沈節甫的藏書、刻書的淵源、與外在社會等環境因素所影響。外在環境的現像有經濟發展對藏書影響、商品經濟發達、造紙印刷的進步、藏書多元化、新興城市產生,這些的條件皆是新興城市帶動了出版事業的發展,同時也為文人提供了有利收藏的條件。內在學術環境的影響因素,有王陽明心學、首開「經世致用」之學、李贄的「童心說」的學術文化。產生了炫博好奇的讀書風氣、市民階層文化藏書與刻書內容。 (三)沈節甫與陳于廷的史學思想 陳于廷的刊刻,代表了國史的闕誤,必須求諸於野史。這些也是明代野史的發展,不容忽略的地方。沈節甫的史學觀存在著經世致用的思想,《紀錄彙編》的史學觀,是希望能夠作為朝廷政策施行的參考,另一方面是收錄的傳記資料、鄉土民情能成為世人學習的典範。 (四)《紀錄彙編》版本狀況 目前《紀錄彙編》只存有一種版本,即是萬曆四十五年陳于廷刊刻本。存藏地方不管是台灣、中國大陸、歐美地區、日本等地,皆有多處存藏地。 (五)《紀錄彙編》內容與特色分析 《紀錄彙編》的內容是多元的,有以明史為主的收錄內容、考據當朝史失誣的內容、稗官野史的筆記小說的內容。這些的資料的編纂,呈現出明代的學風炫博好奇的特色。尤其是版本的精審的探討,可以了解目前單一書籍的校勘,皆以《紀錄彙編》所收的書籍為底本。清代史籍的匯編皆以此書為標竿,不管輯佚學上、史籍的考證皆有深遠的影響。 (六)《紀錄彙編》的價值 《紀錄彙編》的價值分為學術價值,例如有編制體例分類、編輯形式呈現明代史學特徵、人物傳記的編纂、史學評論的史學價值;另一文獻價值是保存了孤本、罕見本、 地方志書的文獻價值等價值。《紀錄彙編》專門性的收錄史類的著作,在當時的文獻的保存上,不管是在學術考證上或者是歷史的文獻上,價值高於一切。 二、下篇:《紀錄彙編》所收書籍考 《紀錄彙編》所收書籍共有121種,216卷。收錄的範圍是以明嘉靖以前的著作,內容是以明代史籍為主。作者共75位,以吳郡區域的文人佔為多數,可以了解吳中地區文化與民俗風情。


沈節甫 紀錄彙編 炫博好奇 叢書


The so-called intention of record is mainly recorded the history of the Ming Dynasty and the original intent of compilation is pooled in order to redact the history books as the characteristics of literature.” Ji Lu Huei Bian” of Jie-Fu Shen is a series about historic books written mainly by Ming people; difficult to see the books of the past, but now they allow spread earn credit for the compilation of this series really is not covered over. The greatest contribution is to collect the history of the Department of residual origin, but also for fill-chi, fill sheet, such as the role of Zhen's Collection more. Jie-Fu Shen can compile this series is hope to correct false with the authorized history. At present, the only pass of the saw is carved and published by Yu-ting Chen in forty-five years in Wanli. The main purpose is to practice his philosophy of history; it is the rapid development in the Ming Dynasty and the Ming series of stolen framed for the official history of the perception, and hoped through the private sector to revise the history of the record straight, but also promote their own views on the history of the dynasty. In the mid-Ming, Yue Di had emerged a number of strong bibliophiles who has an impact throughout the country, such as Kuen Mau, Jie-Fu Shen, Yuan-Bian Xiang, Qin Fan, Fang Feng, Yi Fan, Ying-Lin Hu and so on. From these materials we would know that Jie-Fu Shen in Ming Dynasty history books engraved in the history books can not be ignored. Therefore, the external form of this series, the literature content all concluded engraving sophisticated, refined collated trial, and has history of academic value. This paper is divided into two series: The first section are Jie-Fu Shen’s life information, the development of the Ming Dynasty Series and the engraved circumstances of ” Ji Lu Huei Bian” in addition to the history of thought; mainly to external factors described in carved often have an impact with the carved books. The other is tested the books which contains bibliographic. 1. Part One: Jie-Fu Shen and The Compilation of” Ji Lu Huei Bian” (1) Jie-Fu Shen 's Life, Make Friends and Works Jie-Fu Shen was part study; his grandfather and great-grandfather are being recommendation as accomplishments. Therefore, Jie-Fu Shen’s family history section of the background is in order to create out of erudite scholarship. Largely respected the Road Commission of Science, said the provision of the disposition solitary hermit secluded world led to his behavior, which may affect his editorial ” Ji Lu Huei Bian” the main basis and origins. (2) Jie-Fu Shen’s Engraved Books about the Background Section Jie-Fu Shen’s collection, carved book origins, social and other environmental and external factors are influenced by environment. The external environment is like having the impact of economic development on the books, well-developed commodity economy, paper printing advances, and collection of diverse, emerging urban generation, both of these conditions is a new city led to the development of publishing industry also provided for the literati favorable conditions for the collection. Intrinsic factors affect academic environment, with Yang-Ming Wang's School of Mind, the first open the "statecraft" of the study, Zhi Li's "innocence said," The academic culture. Bo-hyun generated curiosity in reading, the public sectors of culture, books and carved the content. (3) Historical Thought of Jie-Fu Shen and Yu-Ting Chen Yu-Ting Chen’s carve is on behalf of the national history of the mistake, we must recourse to unofficial. These are also the unofficial history of the development of the Ming Dynasty, which can not be ignored. Jie-Fu Shen’s view of history there are practical statecraft thought;” Ji Lu Huei Bian” view of history in the hope that the implementation of policies can be used as a reference the court, on the other, contains biographical information, local public sentiment can become a model for the world to learn. (4)” Ji Lu Huei Bian” Version of the Situation At present, there is only a version of ” Ji Lu Huei Bian” that is carved by Yu-Ting Chen in Wanli forty-five years. Keep possession of the local matter is Taiwan, China, Europe and the United States, Japan and other places, there are many places kept hidden. (5) Analysis of the Content and Features about” Ji Lu Huei Bian” The content of ” Ji Lu Huei Bian” is diverse; there are mainly included in order to Ming history content, researching the history of when the dynasty lost framed content, book of anecdotes novels of content. The compilation of these materials, showing a Ming dynasty style of study Hyun Bo curious features. Especially the version of the precision of the trial, you can understand the current collation of a single book, begin with” Ji Lu Huei Bian” the collection of books as a master copy. A compilation of historical records in the Qing Dynasty are mainly made this book as a benchmark, regardless of Zhen's Collection, these are historical records of the textual with far-reaching impact. (6) The Value of” Ji Lu Huei Bian” ” Ji Lu Huei Bian” divides into the value of academic value, for example, the preparation of style classification, feature editing form showing the Ming Dynasty History, biographies of the compilation, Historical Review of the Historical value; another literature value is saved only existing copies, rare book, Local Annals value of the value of literature. ” Ji Lu Huei Bian” specialized in nature of the class included the history books at that time, the preservation of literature, whether it be textual or in the academic literature on the history, value above all else. 2. Part Two: Examination of Books Collected about” Ji Lu Huei Bian” ” Ji Lu Huei Bian” collected a total of 121 kinds of books, 216 volumes. The scope included based on Ming Jiajing previous works, the contents of the Ming Dynasty are mainly historical records. A total of 75 authors to Wujun region accounted for most writers; you can understand the Wu area of culture and folk customs. Key words: Jie-Fu Shen; Ji Lu Huei Bian; Hyun Bo curious; Zhen's Collection


Jie-Fu Shen Ji Lu Huei Bian Hyun Bo curious


1986 年頁 93-98
第 4 期 1996 年頁 71-74
2001 年11 月頁 33-37
2002年頁 107-110
2005年頁 71-73


