  • 學位論文


Delinquent Behaviors among Stepmother Classes

指導教授 : 林育聖


本研究旨在探究後母班國中生是否會因為中途更換導師而產生較多的偏差行為,以立意抽樣法依照新北市不同區比例抽取該區國中後母班學生做前後測比較,並輔以同校未換導師的班做為對照組,有效樣本後母班為143人,普通班為141人。本研究結論如下: 以整體平均比較,後母班與普通班在各學校依附與偏差行為沒有顯著差異,導師依附情形都是後測比前測高;但以班級個別平均做前後測比較,普通班表現較穩定,後母班表現有個別的差異,分別在「學校鍵」與「偏差行為」的表現有兩極化的趨勢。 相關性分析發現,學校鍵與偏差行為在前、後測都有顯著的負相關存在,而後母班較不像普通班能完全適用社會控制理論來解釋偏差行為;兩者在偏差行為的樣態上並無顯著的差別,輕度偏差行為常出現的分別為:「上課分心搗亂,未經老師同意就講話」、「講髒話」、「上課時睡覺」、「不做打掃工作或打掃不認真」;而中度偏差行為較常出現的為:「沈迷電玩」、「言語霸凌同學」、「作弄異性」、「不服從管教」;而高度偏差則在兩種班都很少出現。 本研究根據研究結果提出以下建議:一、換導師雖然不會必然有較多的偏差行為,但風險會比未換導師的高,如果可以還是儘量不換導師為宜。二、換導師對學生而言是一個較複雜的變化,有許多因素都可能會造成影響,建議未來研究者需測量前後導師的年齡、年資、性別等變項及更大量的樣本才更能有效看出研究結果。


後母班 偏差行為 學校鍵


This study aims to investigate whether junior high school students will perform more deviant behaviors when their mentor teachers are changed. Based on the population percentage of the junior high schools in the different districts of New Taipei City, the purposive sampling is used to select the junior high school students in the stepmother classes to do the pre-test and post-test comparisons. The control group is consisted of those students whose mentor teachers are not changed in the same schools. The effective sample size of the stepmother classes is 143 students, and the regular class, 141 students. The results of the study indicate that there is no significant differences in terms of the school attachment and deviant behavior by comparing the means between the stepmother classes and the regular classes. In both groups, the mentor teacher attachment is higher in the post-test than in the pre-test. By comparing the performances of the separate classes in pre-test and post-test, it is found that the regular classes is more stable and the stepmother classes shows bipolar individual differences in social bonding and deviant behavior. The correlation analyses show that significant negative correlation of school bonding and deviant behavior is found in both the pre-test and post-test. The deviant behaviors of the students in the stepmother classes cannot be totally explained by the Social Bonding Theory. The students in the two groups do not show significant differences in the distribution. The minor deviant behaviors include distraction and disturbance during the class, talking without permission, saying dirty words, sleeping during the class, not doing cleaning work or do cleaning work carelessly. The frequently occurred moderate deviant behaviors include addiction to video games, verbal bullying, making fun of the classmates of the opposite sex and disobey. The severe deviant behaviors rarely occur in both groups. The suggestions for further studies are as follows: First, the change of the mentor teachers will not probably cause more deviant behaviors, but it will be more risky. If possible, it is recommended not to change the mentor teacher. Second, for students, the change of their mentor teacher is a more complex change, many factors can be influential. It is suggested that in the future, other researchers can further investigate the variables like the background of the former and the current mentor teachers, including their age, teaching experience. Also, a bigger sample size would be much beneficial and truly present the real situation.


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