  • 學位論文


A Study on the Experience and Feelings of Domestic Violence Victims Participating in Restorative Justice Conference

指導教授 : 許春金


自1998年家庭暴力法的公布施行開始,家庭暴力事件的議題開始受到重視,然而僅管擴張了執法,將家事納入司法執行的範圍,此理念雖好但實際成效卻不如預期。此外,家暴事件中的加害人在應報式司法的懲罰下,其實與被害人的關係是破裂的,亦並未能有效減少家暴事件的發生。而後隨著修復式司法的興起,帶來了家庭暴力事件適用與否的爭議,儘管面臨著許多民間婦女團體的反對聲音,目前台灣的修復式司法試行方案中,仍有多個地檢署承辦家暴案件進入修復式司法,同時國外在運用修復式司法於家暴工作上亦有許多先例。 有鑑於此,本研究首先以探討修復式司法之內涵過程,及彙整修復式司法應用於家庭暴力事件之相關理論為基礎,再透過深入訪談6名參與過修復式會議之家暴事件被害人的方式,以了解其參與之動機、過程、經驗感受、會議結果與評價…等,最後就呈現出之結果,針對家庭內暴力事件及被害人提出建議。亦是以被害人的觀點出發,透過個案主觀陳述的經驗內容,探究修復式司法會議對被害人之影響,以整理出家庭暴力事件應用於修復式司法中的優缺。 綜合研究發現,參與被害人多對修復式司法本質仍缺乏完整透徹了解,因此常常出現錯誤期待的狀況,導致認為會議結果不合所想;同時,修復式司法執行上以「被害人」為中心之程度仍不足,在被害人的陳述中,並非使其感到能在修復式會議中得以抒發情緒,或是藉由對話溝通,讓加害人了解到被害人所遭受的心理及生理上傷害;以及有些修復式司法的執行上,仍淪為調解化之傾向,也就是修復式司法的試行尚未徹底的落實理念,且未能與一般調解程序有明顯區分。 在修復式會議的執行上,有次數偏少、進行方向過度跟隨制定流程進行,且促進者對於「修復關係」的理解與修復式司法理念有出入之現象,亦即修復之目的是「復和」不是「復合」的迷思;並且,修復促進者的態度與行為,都會大大影響到參與者對修復式會議的主觀評價。最後,修復式會議無疑帶給了被害人們一個改善未來的希望,但宜在各種不同案件類型是否適合入會議的部分,更為謹慎而行,尤其是較為特殊的家庭暴力事件上,才能避免被害人遭受到二次的傷害。


Since 1998, the beginning of Domestic Violence Prevention Act, issues of domestic violence began to be taken seriously. Despite the expansion of the law enforcement, take family events into the scope of judicial execution, this concept is good but the actual performance was not as good as expected. Besides, the offenders in domestic violence event be punished by retributive justice, relationship breakdown with victims, and failed to effectively reduce the incidence of domestic violence events. Then with the rise of restorative justice, it brought the preliminary exploration of applicability of domestic violence events. Despite the opposition of many non-governmental women's groups, the restorative justice pilot of Taiwan until now, there are still many district prosecutors office undertake the domestic violence events to restorative justice. Abroad in the use of restorative justice in domestic violence are also have many precedents. In view of this, this study first discusses the connotations of restorative justice, to collect and organize restorative justice applied the theory of domestic violence events. Through in-depth interviews with six domestic violence victims who were participated in the restorative justice conference, to understanding their motivation to participate in this process, their experiences, feelings, outcomes, valuations and etc. Finally, according to results of the study give advice on the domestic violence events and victims. That is, in view of the victims, though their subjective statements of experience and feelings to probe into the effect of restorative justice conference for victims. And sorting out the pros and cons of the domestic violence used in restorative justice. Sum up the research findings, most of the "victims" were still lack of understanding in restorative justice essence, so error expect appeared frequently. And they consider the results of meeting didn't measure up to their expectation. Besides, restorative justice enforcement of the degree in victim-centered is still insufficiently. In the statement of the victims’, they cannot express emotions or let offenders understand their psychological trauma and physical injuries with communication in the meeting of restorative justice. Part of the implementation in restorative justice reduced tendency of the mediation. That is to say, the conception of restorative justice pilot not put into effect, and can’t be clearly differentiated between mediation mechanism either. Executing restorative justice, the phenomenon can be seen in few times, following the developing process, different understanding between facilitators and restorative justice in the concept of "repair relations". In other words, purpose of restoration work not "reconciliation" but "restorative" is correct. Besides, the facilitators who’s attitudes and behaviors will greatly affect the participants' subjective evaluation of restorative justice conference. At last, restorative justice conference will undoubtedly bring hopes to victims by improving future. But it should be more cautious in the part of whether all kinds of case are suitable for using restorative justice. Especially in domestic violence events to avoid suffering secondary damage.


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