  • 學位論文


A Study of Fixed-term Labor Contract: Also Discuss The Protection of Fixed-term Employees in EU and Great Britain Legal System

指導教授 : 郭玲惠


定期契約勞工係我國非典型勞工常見樣態之一,為雇主聘用短期人力之主要勞動契約類型。定期契約相較不定期契約,期限屆至即消滅,不同於不定期契約除有法定事由外契約原則上將持續存在,對雇主而言定期契約所須耗費之人力成本較低,但對勞工而言此種契約對其就業保障較為不足,故立法者為避免定期契約遭濫用,於勞基法第9條臨時性、短期性、季節性及特定性工作得為定期契約;有繼續性工作應為不定期契約,並規定部分情形下定期契約應被視為不定期契約。 雖法條已對定期契約之成立要件給予規範,然此條於運作上仍產生不少問題。第一,因法條中未對「繼續性」給予說明,故於學者、實務判決對此標準之認定不一,造成紛擾不斷。第二,而現行法所規定之四種類型,因文意過於重疊,造成判斷不易。第三,法條中視為不定期契約之類型過於狹隘。本文將探討行政機關、法院判決及學者見解後,提出個人見解,做為上述問題之建議。 原則上定期契約應符勞基法第9條,但我國另有特別法就部分勞工給予額外規範,例如就業服務法、替代役實施條例、公共服務促進就業暫行條例、船員法皆將具有繼續性可能之工作規範為定期契約,本文將討論此些勞工之特殊性以了解立法者為何另為規範,並討論此種規範是否適宜。另外針對與定期契約相當類似之最低服務年限與試用期為介紹以了解其與定期契約之異同之處。 我國對定期契約勞工之權益於勞工退休金條例、就業保險法、大量解僱勞工保護法新增後更為保護。本文並就定期契約勞工於勞基法之年資累計、資遣費、產假與職業災害醫療期間、工資補償所生爭議給予闡明。除我國勞動法令外,本文再為介紹歐盟與英國之立法例以做為我國立法例之建議,綜合觀察,歐盟與英國皆較我國有明文賦予定期契約勞工享有歧視禁止原則,雇主亦有向定期契約勞工公告永久僱傭職缺之義務,上述兩點相當值得我國借鏡。


Fixed-term contract is one of the common atypical job offers since it refers to a short specified contractual relationship between employees and employers in the industry. Compared to a Non-fixed term contract, Fixed-term contract terminates employees as the contract expires while non-fixed term contract continuously exists unless conform to legal grounds. According to the employer, fixed-term contract leads to a lesser labor cost but it results to a lower rate stability of worker’s employment. Therefore, the legislators decide to take actions to prevent fixed-term contract from abusing. Labor Standard Act Article 9 regulates that a contract in nature for temporary, short-term, seasonal or specific work may be made as a fixed term contract, but a contract for continuous work should be a non-fixed term contract. This article also legalizes, in some cases, a fixed-term contract shall be deemed as a non-fixed term upon the expiration of the contract. Though the article has limited fixed-term contract to establish, there are some unresolved issues. Firstly, the article does not stipulate what “continuous work” is about. Secondly,the article limits fixed-term contract into four types namely: temporary, short-term, seasonal and specific ,but these types often cause obsession. Finally, the article rules in some cases in a fixed-term contract will forcibly convert into a non-fixed term contract ; in fact , the legal case is too strict to happen. Through these, Analysis of the opinions of our courts, competent authority, and literature will be done and proposal of recommendations to these unresolved issues will be given afterwards. In principle , fixed-term contract should conform to Labor Standard Act Article 9, but there are special laws which are different to Labor Standard Act Article 9 for particular employees , such as“ Employment Service Act”, “Enforcement Statute for Substitute Services”,“Workers Hired under the Governmental Plan For Expanding Employment through Public Service ”, and “The Seafarer Act”.These laws allow some continuous work which can establish fixed-term contract. Therefore, scrutinizing why the legislators allow these particular employees eliminate the application of Labor Standard Act Article 9 will take upon place , and give a feedback whether these special laws are reasonable or not. Besides these special laws , “minimum years of service clauses” and “probationary”sometimes are misunderstood to regard as fixed-term contract ; due to these, the two concepts and fixed-term contract ‘s similarities and differences need to be analyzed . The protection of Fixed-term contract labors become more sufficient after “Labor Pension Act”, “Employment Insurance, and “Act for Worker Protection of Mass Redundancy” enact. The article will illustrate some dispute about fixed-term contract labors’ job tenure, severance pay, maternity leave, medical period by occupational accidents and wage compensations which are resulted. At last, the study will introduce protection of fixed-term employees in EU and Great Britain legal system as a good reference for our legislation, mainly the principle of prevention of less favourable treatment and employer’s notification obligations about non-fixed term vacancies in the undertaking.


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