  • 學位論文


The effect of China’s supply chain on Taiwan’s semiconductor packaging and testing industry

指導教授 : 官德星


中國近年來積極推動紅色供應鏈,希望將整個供應鏈的生產過程都在中國境內完成,以滿足國內的龐大需求,對台灣而言,影響最大的就是電子產業,而在電子產業的部分,由於台灣的封測產業在全球的市佔率極大,所以針對這部分來做研究。    研究發現對於台灣本身具有的供應鏈而言,中國廠商需先投入一筆隨時間增加的固定成本才可獲得關鍵技術,付出的成本即代表一種進入障礙,且在購買行為產生後,中國廠商可以額外獲得一部份,台灣廠商無法獲得的利益,此部分也就是Romer(1994)中寫到的杜比三角形。


In recent years, China actively promotes the China’s supply chain, hoping the whole supply chain production process can be in China. This phenomenon influences Taiwan’s electronics industry. Taiwan's IC packaging and testing industry, the part of electronics industries, has great market share in the global. So I want to research for this industry. This study found that China’s manufacturers need to invest a fixed cost which will keep increase to access a technology. This fixed cost represents an entry barrier. After China’s manufacturers purchase Taiwan’s technology, they can additionally get a part of benefit which Taiwan’s manufacturers can’t obtain. This section also named Dupuit triangle by Romer (1994).


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