  • 學位論文


Application of Augmented Reality to a Game-Based e-Learning System for Science and Technology in Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 沈榮麟


目前我國兒少的休閒活動大部分是在遊戲上,更有少數學子具有沉迷的隱憂。反映出此階段的兒少以遊戲與其他活動相比,對於前者是較為感興趣。因此,如何使得學子們在遊戲中亦可學習課程知識,發展有效的教學方法,已是近來教育者得熱衷研究的教學方向。故本研究以嚴謹式遊戲為規範使用Unity3D遊戲引擎(Unity3D Game Engine)與擴增實境技術搭配數位學習平台開發一套數位教學系統,讓學生透過此系統取得課程知識與因果邏輯的能力。最後針對本研究的悅趣化數位學習系統的成效以及使用性,與傳統教學以及基本數位學習(e-Learning)教學進行比較與評估。


Nowadays, school children in Taiwan spend much time on games as their recreational activities and some of them are even addicted to the games. Compared to other activities, this case reflects the fact that the children are more interested in games. As a result, educators have lately craved to develop effective teaching methods that allow children to learn and play games simultaneously. So this study is based on a system of e-Learning which combines serious game (by Unity3D Game Engine) with augmented reality. Students are able to acquire knowledge and foster logical skills via this system. According to its efficacy and utility, this study assesses and compares the game-based e-Learning with traditional learning and another e-Learning.


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