  • 學位論文


The study of the victimization process in violent debt cases

指導教授 : 黃富源


暴力討債案件時有所聞,被害人面對騷擾、暴力脅迫還債,造成家破人亡,衍生罪行,一再引起關注。為能加強防處,切合被害者所需,爰從事本研究。目的主要有四項:一、探索暴力討債被害人特質、被害歷程、因應方式。二、瞭解暴力討債集團引誘被害人或施暴手法。三、分析防處作為,加強被害保護。四、提出精進建議。 研究方法以深入訪談法為主,採立意取樣方式,訪談被害者與執法者計10位,並蒐集近10年來官方犯罪統計資料2萬6,025筆,與98年查獲之4個暴力討債集團資料,進行二手資料分析,比較、歸納形成結論。 研究發現被害者個人8項特質,較多的為男性、職業收入不豐,曾無業佔高比例,經濟狀況不佳、年齡集中在青壯年、教育程度不高、不良的家庭關係與休閒習慣易受害。被害歷程分為借貸期、還款期、逼迫期、求援期、因應期、恢復期等5個階段,期間顯現出12項內心感受。討債集團施暴方法區分為刑事脅迫與技巧騷擾2類;施暴地點主要為被害者活動地與犯罪者選定處。被害因應有接受配合、委屈求情、逃跑求援、正面對抗等4種主要方式。政府防處效能方面,近年來積極執法雖能嚇阻討債分子囂張行逕,但仍有須改進之處。被害者急須幫助事項,主要為執法保護、經濟協助、法律諮詢、心理撫慰等4項。法制上,當舖業管理、被害人保護有須充實之處,且外國保護令制度可資參採。 為精進整體防治暴力討債效能,提供政府犯罪預防宣導與潛在被害者參考,提出12項建議。特別強調的是期盼引進外國「刑事保護令」制度,可對加害人先期警告,促使執法單位積極保護被害人,產生事前預防功效,而非受限於法律規範,於傷害造成後,才啟動事後追查。


The cases of violent debt collection are frequently being heard. People once again concern about the victims’ offenses because the disturbance and threats have resulted in many broken families. The aim of this study is to enhance the prevention and cater for the victim’s needs, which includes four major purposes as the followings: 1. Discuss the characteristics of the victims of violent debt collection, the victimization process and the ways to cope with it. 2. Understand the violent tricks that the debt collectors used to induce the victims. 3. Analyze the prevention measures to enhance the protection. 4. Propose the quality recommendations. Based on the in-dept interview, this study interviewed 10 victims and law executors through judgment sampling method and collected 26025 official statistic crime data over the past 10 years and 4 violent debt collectors’ information in 2009 to conduct a secondary data analysis for comparison before coming to a conclusion. The finding of the research shows 8 characteristics of the victims including male gender, low income, being jobless for a while, poor financial condition, between young and middle age, low education degree, poor family relationship and bad leisure habit. The victimization process is divided into 5 stages including the loan period, payment period, threatened period, help-seeking period, responding period and recovering period and 12 inner feelings while the debt collector’s violent behaviors are divided into threats and skill disturbance. The violent places mainly locate at the vicinity of the victim or the places selected by the criminal. Moreover, the victim’s reactions mainly include the cooperation, negotiation, help-seeking and hostility. With regard to the government’s prevention effect, the aggressive law enforcement has disallowed the debt collectors’ arrogant behavior but there is still a room for improvement. The victims urgently require assistances from legal protection, financial support, legal consultation and spiritual consolation. In terms of regulation, the foreign protection orders acts can be taken as reference for managing pawnshops and protecting the victims. To improve the overall effectiveness of the prevention of violent debt collection, 12 recommendations are given as references for government to promote the crime prevention and for the potential victims to consider. In particular, it is expected to introduce the foreign “criminal protection orders” system to warn the criminals while enabling the law execution units to actively protect the victims. It is to prevent the criminal cases instead of being restricted by law and avoid the harms that may result from the crime instead of investigating the case after the incident.


