  • 學位論文


The Impact of Marketing Capability and Competitive Strategy on Firm Performance-A Case of Taiwan Inductor Industry

指導教授 : 謝錦堂


資源基礎理論強調企業的競爭優勢來自所擁有之獨特性資源,經由不斷的整合與學習,使資源形成具有價值性、稀有性、不可模仿性及不可取代性的特徵,並轉化為企業的核心競爭能力。如何在瞬息萬變的競爭激烈環境中永續經營,是企業首要追求目標;決策者藉由企業競爭能力的認知,必需選擇適合的競爭策略,才能領先競爭對手提昇整體經營績效。 台灣電子製造業近幾年來的蓬勃發展,已造就了競爭激烈的環境,以位居中上游的被動元件產業為例,由於產品取代性與模仿性高,進入門檻較低,歷經數年來的發展,已進入完全競爭的市場,為了生存與永續發展必須選擇適當的競爭策略。 過去台灣對被動元件產業探討很多,但是對電感產業之研究相對較少,本研究以電感器產業為研究對象,探討企業經營時不可或缺的核心能力—行銷能力。企業經營績效與行銷能力息息相關,影響頗鉅,然而,尚有其他與之比擬的能力,如研究發展能力及生產作業能力等,對管理者來說,皆是重要的議題,但以行銷能力影響最強烈。本研究試圖瞭解企業決策者所認知的企業行銷能力與其選擇的競爭策略之關係,期望藉此研究結果,提供電感產業未來的經營方向以及決策者的經營策略作為參考。


Resource-Base Theory emphasizes a firm’s competitive advantage comes from its distinct resource. By integrating and learning constantly, resources will form to be properties of value, rareness, imperfect imitability and unsubstitutability, and moreover, it might convert into core competitive capability. How to operate with sustainability in this changeable environment of intense competition would be the prior goal that a firm is pursuing. By the perception of competitive capability from firm, decision-maker needs to select proper competitive strategy to overtake rival and increase overall firm performance. In the past few years of Taiwan, the flourish development of electronic manufacturing industry has accomplished a most intense competitive environment, as the example of electronic passive device industry which is situated in the midstream of supply chain, and due to higher substitutability and imitability even lower threshold, it has become to be pure competition market for the past several years. A firm must select proper competitive strategy to survive and operate with sustainability. In spite of many academic researches were related to electronic passive device industry in Taiwan, but lack of inductor industry. We focus on inductor industry and choose it to be the topic of this research to analyze the impact of indispensable core competence-marketing capability in the operation of firm. Of course, a firm’s performance is closed link to marketing capability, however, not only marketing capability but also many corresponding capabilities, such as research-and-development capability and operation capability etc. In terms of firm, manager regards competence as the most significant subject, especially marketing capability, it influences a firm’s performance intensely. This research-work attempts to distinguish from the correlation between marketing capability and competitive strategy through decision- maker’s perception and selection. We expect the effort of this research-work will achieve Taiwan inductor industry operational direction and strategy for decision-maker.


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台灣經濟研究院產經資料庫 (2006),http://tie.tier.org.tw,搜尋日期:2010年12月4日。
台灣經濟研究院產經資料庫 (2007),http://tie.tier.org.tw,搜尋日期:2010年12月4日。
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陳相如 (2009),八卦因果鏈條在產業績效評估的實證研究—以台灣被動電子元件業為例,國立交通大學經營管理研究所博士論文。


