  • 學位論文


Development Strategy of New Industrial Products - A Case Study from Non-Linear-Editing System

指導教授 : 林婷鈴


論文提要內容: 發展新產品是許多企業追求成長的策略之一,但是許多企業都面臨如何選擇新產品與如何將新產品擴展的決策,而在新產品成功擴散以後,要如何避免競爭者的模仿,進而帶動企業的永續競爭優勢,相信這都是企業在創新擴散過程中面臨的挑戰。 本研究的目的主要是在探討影響企業發展新產品的原因與主要考慮因素,以及影響新產品擴散的因素,以進一步探討企業內外部創新決策的過程。因此本研究採用質性研究的單個案行動研究方法,以便可以深入了解企業面臨新產品的導入及內外部擴散決策過程中,如何將創新的價值提供給組織決策單位,並且滿足組織的需求,以及為了確保創新的成果,如何協助組織成員將創新再發展,使創新成為組織的一部份。 本研究在探討新產品的擴散過程中,發現中小企業選擇新產品,常常是受到技術推動及市場推動相輔相成的影響,而且一定要擁有互補性資產的競爭優勢。在工業市場新產品導入初期,人際溝通管道優於大眾管道,所以必須取得高階主管認同及資源投入,並提供足夠的誘因給營業推廣人員。如果能建立具有代表性的成功案例,將可以消除潛在使用者的疑慮,加速新產品的擴散,但是唯有滿足客戶對新產品的期望,使得新產品實際產生的價值與客戶心理期待的價值吻合,並且讓客戶信賴推廣者(供應商)有解決問題的能力,新產品的擴散才能夠持續下去。最後新產品導入者要設法創造出新的經營模式,才能避開競爭者的模仿,創造利潤。 關鍵字:新產品擴散、工業市場採購行為、關係行銷


The development of new products is one strategy, for many companies, in terms of growth, however, companies are faced with how to select new products and how to diffuse new products through decision-making--and following the successful diffusion of new products, how to prevent competitors from imitating, in order to stimulate business through sustainable competitive advantages, which are challenges companies encounter in the Diffusion of Innovations process. The key purpose of this study is to investigate the causes and major consideration elements that influence businesses in new product diffusion, to further explore the internal and external innovation, decision-making process. Therefore, this study is based on a qualitative case study of action research, providing an in-depth understanding of companies dealing with the new product adoption and the internal and external diffusion decision-making process; how to provide innovative value to organizational decision-making units, while being able to meet the needs of the organization, in order to ensure results of innovation; how to help organizational members in innovation development, making innovation a part of the organization. Within this study, in investigating the diffusion of new products, findings show small-to-mid sized companies, selecting new products, are usually influenced by the push of technology and market-driven complementary effects, and require the competitive advantage of complementary assets. For industrial markets, in the initial stage of new product introductions, interpersonal communication channels exceed public channels; approval must be obtained from high-level executives and investment in resources, to provide adequate incentives to sales promotion personnel. If possible to establish representative success stories, any concerns from potential users can be eliminated, to accelerate the diffusion of new products yet be able to meet the expectations customers have for new products, resulting in new products actual production’s received value and customers’ expected desired value to coincide, customers will then entrust in the promoter’s (supplier) ability to problem solve, allowing the diffusion of new products to continue. Finally, individuals trying to introduce new products must manage to create new business models, in order to steer clear of competitors from imitating, to produce profits. Keywords:New Product Diffusion, Industrial Buyer Behavior, Relational Marketing.


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